Q&A with Help Musicians Scotland

Q&A with Help Musicians Scotland

This is a past event

Join Suzanne Miller in this online session for professional musicians to find out what support Help Musicians Scotland can offer, such as funding sources and health and welfare services.

There will be a presentation and a Q n A session. This session will be relevant to jazz musicians as well as musicians from a range of other genres. David will also be discussing the Peter Whittingham Jazz Award, which offers financial support towards a musical activity and business advice to a jazz musician or band at a tipping point in their career. 

For 100 years, Help Musicians has been providing help, support and opportunities to empower musicians at all stages of their lives. They are an independent charity which aims to make a meaningful difference to the lives of musicians, offering a wide spectrum of support which includes: Health & Welfare services, Creative development funding, ground-breaking research, a mental health helpline for the entire music industry and an incredibly popular hearing health scheme which aims to prevent hearing problems that would otherwise bring musicians’ careers to an untimely end. They are passionate about creating a world where musicians thrive.

Suzanne Miller
Hosted by
Aberdeen Jazz Festival