The Knight and the Lion

"Yvain and the Demon Brothers"

The lion bristles with anger and fear, for he sees they mean to harm his master. Yvain realises that he must fight these two fearsome creatures but first they insist that the lion must be locked away in a small room in the castle. Yvain's horse is brought to him and he mounts, and the two devils attack at once, giving him such blows with their clubs that his helmet and shield are little use to him. His helmet cracks and his shield shatters like ice on a puddle when you stamp on it with your heel. Then they make such big holes in the shield that you could shove your whole fist through. Yvain defends himself with his full strength. Driven on by shame and fear at the thought of losing, he returns their blows.

Shut up in the room, the lion is restless and his heart is sad. He remembers all the kind deeds Yvain has done for him. He knows his master needs him.

Yvain is sweating now, for the two devils are fierce and strong and do not stop pounding at him for an instant. In desperation the lion begins scratching at the door. To his surprise, he finds the threshold is rotten, and by digging with his claws he might manage to make a space to squeeze through.

Yvain now fears his death is near, for, though he dodges and strikes, the two devils are very skilful sword-fighters, and their shields are made of some strange metal so that Yvain's sword does not even scratch them.

Just at that moment the lion breaks free, charging out of the castle to hurl himself on the nearest demon. He knocks him over like a tree and is on him at once with claws and teeth. The other turns to help him, but Yvain is not so foolish as to miss this chance and slices his neck from his shoulders.
