The Knight and the Lion

"Lunette Tries Again"

Yet she knew that what Lunette had said was true, and the next day she called the girl to her. How should she bring up the subject, Laudine wondered, for she hoped Lunette would say more, and yet she had forbidden the girl to speak. Lunette, however, was not in the least put off and began again at once:

'When two knights meet and fight, and one beats the other, which is the most worthy of the two? If you ask me, the winner is. Don't you agree?'

'You're trying to trick me with words,' Laudine replied.

'Well then,' Lunette went on, 'the knight who beat your husband and chased him home to his castle must be a better knight than he. Isn't that right?'

'Enough!' screamed Laudine. 'Get out of my sight, you heartless girl.' And she drove Lunette out of the room.
