The School of Divinity, History & Philosophy launched a food drive on Wednesday 1 October which will run throughout the month in support of the Food Banks Partnership Aberdeen.
The Food Banks Partnership Aberdeen was formed in December 2012 by the various organisations involved in providing food banks in Aberdeen City. As well as providing emergency food, all partners are committed to promoting employment, signposting to money advice, debt management and household budgeting services, and other sources of support to develop resilience and help people to move on and out of poverty.
The Partnership organises food drives with the help of the public, private and Third sectors. The food donated is distributed through existing food banks and other community outlets.
Lesley Dickson, who is organising the School of Divinity, History & Philosophy’s food drive, visited one of the city’s food banks this week. “To say it was eye-opening would be an understatement,” Lesley said. “The work that the staff and volunteers do is absolutely essential in providing support to those who are most disadvantaged and vulnerable in communities around Aberdeen. They are desperately in need of donations as they don’t stockpile and what they do receive goes out the door almost immediately.”
Donations to the School’s food drive can be brought to Room CB008, 50-52 College Bounds at any time during the month of October from 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. The Food Banks Partnership Aberdeen is in desperate need of the following:-
- Cereal
- Long life milk
- Cup-a-soup
- Tinned tuna
- Tinned creamed rice
- Sugar
- Cooking oil
- Diluting juice
- Tinned cold meat
- Tinned dinners e.g. mince, stew
A full list of products that are needed can be downloaded here.