Café Philosophique - The Metaphysics of Love

The School of

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Café Philosophique - The Metaphysics of Love

This is a past event

Discover, discuss and question the big ideas in contemporary philosophy in a relaxed, informal environment in this year's Cafe' Philosophique public engagement series. All events are free. All welcome!

The Metaphysics of LoveDr Carrie Ichikawa Jenkins, University of British Columbia, University of Aberdeen

What is romantic love? A feeling? A special way of valuing people? A particular kind of relationship Does it even exist, or is it some kind of fiction or illusion? Philosophers from Plato to the present day have struggled with love. Join us to debate their views and add your own!

Cafe Philosophique Flyer




Dr Carrie Ichikawa Jenkins, University of British Columbia, University of Aberdeen
Hosted by
Philosophy Department, University of Aberdeen
The Blue Lamp