Philosophy Colloquium: Dr Michael Diamond-Hunter

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Philosophy Colloquium: Dr Michael Diamond-Hunter

This is a past event

"On Ameliorative and Descriptive Metaphysics of Race"

In recent philosophical discussions regarding socially important concepts like race and gender, there have been arguments advanced for ameliorative projects that address the ways in which these concepts can be changed for purposes of justice. However, the literature that discusses an ameliorative approach to race remains highly underdeveloped. This paper will examine some of the meta-metaphysical questions that arise when thinking about ameliorative racial projects (as compared to descriptive racial projects). After highlighting a number of considerations and questions that need to be answered before any ameliorative metaphysical project can proceed, the paper will provide an argument on (a) whether having an ameliorative racial project is beneficial at all; and (B) what that might look like in lieu of the meta-metaphysical concerns discussed previously.

Dr Michael Diamond-Hunter, University of Cambridge
CB009, 50/52 College Bounds