Public Roundtable "Still Home Abroad? Polish Migration to Scotland after Brexit"

The School of

Divinity, History, Philosophy & Art History

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Public Roundtable "Still Home Abroad? Polish Migration to Scotland after Brexit"

This is a past event

How does the EU referendum result affect the Polish community in Scotland, and what are people’s responses?  Integration of Poles has been a success story, and Scotland’s economy has benefited from migration. People born in Poland have overtaken all other foreign nationalities in the UK for the first time. Academics and practitioners offer their insights and propose a public discussion of the main issues that Polish citizens face after the referendum.

Prof. Karin Friedrich (University of Aberdeen)  leads the discussion with Magda Czarnecka (Project Development Manager Feniks Counselling Services), Anna Ruszel  (Regional Director Scotland at International Business Club & Risk Management) and Dr Chris Moreh (Research Fellow at the Centre for Population Change at the University of Southampton).

Aberdeen Science Centre, 179 Constitution Street, Aberdeen AB24 5TU