Historical Theology Seminar

Historical Theology Seminar

This is a past event

The Historical Theology Seminar will meet at 2-3.30pm on the following Thursdays in KCF10.

The text for discussion is Adolf von Harnack, Outlines of the History of Dogma.

The text is available as a pdf here: https://ia800301.us.archive.org/32/items/outlineshistoryd00harnuoft/outlineshistoryd00harnuoft.pdf

Members of the seminar should arrive having prepared the following pages on the following dates:

15th October: Pages 1-37

22nd October: Pages 81-109

29th October: Pages 117-148

5th November: Pages 433-442 & 468-87

12th November: 541-567

All interested faculty and postgraduate students are welcome. Please contact Dr Isa Ehrenschwendtner (m.ehrenschwendtner@abdn.ac.uk) or Professor Tom Greggs (t.greggs@abdn.ac.uk) for more details.

King's College KCF10