North America PGR Meeting

North America PGR Meeting

This is a past event

The School now has a large number of postgraduate students working in Divinity and Religious Studies who study by distance, with a particular density based in North America. With the support of the Principal, we are looking to pilot a conference for those students in the Fall of 2017. The conference will provide an opportunity for our North America-based distance students to come together and share their research, presenting papers and taking part in workshops. Three members of staff from Aberdeen will also be in attendance: Professor Tom Greggs (Systematic and Historical Theology), Professor John Swinton (Pastoral Theology), and Professor Grant Macaskill (Biblical Studies). They will contribute feedback on the student papers and will deliver lectures as part of the event.  The event will take place at Fuller Seminary and there will be some collaborative activities involving staff from Fuller and those from Aberdeen.


The event is scheduled to take place at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena from 20th-22nd September.  For those who may require accommodation, we have secured limited accommodation at subsidised rates at Fuller Seminary. There will be no additional registration costs, though students will be expected to cover their own travel and subsistence costs.


Fuller Seminary

For more information and to request a booking form please contact Professor Grant Macaskill: