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Image of James Scott Skinner and his brother Sandy

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Image of James Scott Skinner and his brother Sandy
ID JSS0826
Title Image of James Scott Skinner and his brother Sandy
Document Reference LO 927.8
Format 115 x 125 mm
Medium Newspaper cutting
Item Type Printed Collection
Subject Scottish Music, Scott and Sandy Skinner Image
Item Description This early image of Skinner and his brother Sandy may have originally been intended as a publicity portrait. It shows the brothers in smart suits, complete with waistcoats, cravats and watch chains. Both seem to be holding their fiddles awkwardly. Sandy Skinner taught his young brother James to play the fiddle. The brothers taught dance and played together for many years.
Creator Unknown
Publisher The People's Journal, Dundee
Time Period 1860s-1870s
Associated Dates: Publication 10th February 1923
Location Aberdeen Central Library
Collection Name My Life and Adventures
Copyright copyright_abdnlib.shtml


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