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Page 2 of 2 Country Dances ; Page 1 of 2 La Tempete

A Guide to Fashionable Dancing

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Page 2 of 2 Country Dances ; Page 1 of 2 La Tempete
ID JSS0483
Title Page 2 of 2 Country Dances ; Page 1 of 2 La Tempete
Document Reference MS 3088
Format 165 x 256 mm
Medium Handwritten Manuscript
Item Type Manuscript
Item Description This excerpt is from a series of notebooks compiled by Skinner and his own dance teacher, William Scott. The notebooks were published under the title, A Guide to Fashionable Dancing. [continued from JSS0482] ...the two couples set and change to each other's places; face to partners, set and change places; set again and change on the sides; set again and change with partners, which brings all four to places. 2. Join hands in a circle, balance, gentlemen turn ladies into each other's place, repeat this four times. 3. The two couples Valse round each other for four or eight bars. The music for the Spanish dance is the same as that for the Common Vlase. La Tempete. Combination of Quadrille and Country Dance. Arrange (across the room) double couples, facing each other - third backs to second, and face fourth so on for an unlimited number. 1. Advance and retire holding hands and forming two lines of four. 2. Gallop across, holding partner's hands, opposite couples pass outside. 3. Repeat the same with the difference that the couples who passed inside are now outside. 4. The four inside cross hands and back: the two on each side pousette or valse. 5. Join four hands, turn round and back again side couples as above. 6. All advance and retire, by four holding hands advance. [Continued JSS0484]
Creator James Scott Skinner and William Scott
Creator Manuscript James Scott Skinner
Publisher Charles Middleton, Keith
Time Period 1870s-1880s
Associated Dates: Creation c.1880
Associated Dates: Manuscript c.1883
Associated Dates: Publication 1884
Relationships JSS0482, JSS04874
Location University of Aberdeen
Collection Name Dance Notebooks

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