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Subscribers list, Fifty Favourite Scotch Airs for a Violin, German Flute and Violoncello, with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord

Francis Peacock

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Subscribers list, Fifty Favourite Scotch Airs for a Violin, German Flute and Violoncello, with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord
ID JSS0561
Title Subscribers list, Fifty Favourite Scotch Airs for a Violin, German Flute and Violoncello, with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord
Document Reference Hend inst Pea f
Format 243 x 328 mm
Medium Printed page
Item Type Printed Collection
Subject Scottish Music, Francis Peacock, Subscribers List
Item Description Francis Peacock (1723-1807) published this collection c. 1762. He was Aberdeen's official dancing-master for fifty years. A cellist and violinist, he helped found the Aberdeen Musical Society. Subscribers' Lists provide a picture of the musician's social contacts, from Peacock's 'Mr Alexander Clerk, Aberdeen, Merchant', to 'Sir Alexander Grant of Monymusk' (see JSS0530).
Creator Francis Peacock
Editor Francis Peacock
Arranger Francis Peacock
Publisher Francis Peacock, Aberdeen
Time Period 18th century
Associated Dates: Publication 1762
Relationships JSS0559, JSS0560, JSS0562, JSS0563
Location University of Aberdeen
Collection Name Fifty Favourite Scotch Airs for a Violin, German Flute and Violoncello, with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord

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