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Image Title Item Description
Note on verso of Maggie Cameron
Note on verso of Maggie Cameron Note: Is this Tune "Maggie Cameron" or "Sandy King" See [David] Glen's Pipe Music
Mrs Will
Mrs Will Sketch of melody only, in Skinner's hand, of 'Strathspey "Mrs Will"* J. Scott Skinner. Under the first two lines of music he wrote: I don't study much, But just rattle off, no cutting or carving. And, below the second two: * 'Extempore no whistle even, hot - Please play over and if not good burn, and...
Letter to Mr Will
Letter to Mr Will Skinner's letter reads: from 'Gilbert Cottage Auchenblae 1 May Dear Mr Will, You might send on any music you don't want to me here by Thursday as we have a dance after the concert (on 5th May) hope we may have such a house as New Deer You are quite a jolly set of people and I feel disposed to grumble...
Earl Grey
Earl Grey Manuscript of the strathspey by James Hill (b. Dundee, d. Gateshead?). 'Earl Grey' may have been written to celebrate the Prime Minister who introduced the Great Reform Bill in 1832. Or, perhaps it was for his son, the 3rd Earl Grey (1810-1884), who became Secretary of State for War.
Note about Earl Grey
Note about Earl Grey Manuscript in Alexander Troup's hand, verso of Earl Grey. 'I am of the opinion this is an English Strathspey and the only English one that there is..... The bottom comment by Skinner reads: The Introduction of a strain of 'Fairbairns' strathspey is frequently given by Street players with bad taste.'
Sandie Grant o' Battangorm
Sandie Grant o' Battangorm Skinner's note below reads: * Violinist & friend of the composer Inverness whose son is named Scott Skinner Grant.'
Note on verso of Sandie Grant o' Battangorm
Note on verso of Sandie Grant o' Battangorm Manuscript in the hand of Alexander Troup. 'This is one of Mr Skinner's best composed and effective Reels. A. T.'
Copperbeach Manuscript of the reel Copperbeach. Remember to press 3rd finger lightly on 1st [string?].
Canty Jeanie Munro
Canty Jeanie Munro Manuscript of a 'New M.S.' strathspey. 'Canty Jeanie' 'Munro' [inserted]. 'Jeanie' was 'Miss Thompson, Violinist, Aberdeen'. In the years since Skinner had written this tune for Jeanie, she married, and became Jeanie Munro. The note [not written by Skinner] reads: 'The above is written in order to familiarise...
Note on verso of Canty Jeanie Munro
Note on verso of Canty Jeanie Munro Manuscript in the hand of Alexander Troup. 'This is the first strathspey I have seen in five sharps. I prefer B [flat] to this key for a Highland tune. A. T.'

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University of Aberdeen

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