The School of Biological Sciences
- About
- Undergraduate Study
- Postgraduate Study
- Contain - Latam
- Energetics Research Group
- Research Clusters
Research Facilities & Projects
- Doubly-Labelled Water Laboratory
Scottish Fish Immunology Research Centre
Vaccine Development
- The Role of Adjuvants in Determining the Safety and Efficacy of Fish Vaccines
- Characterisation of Molecular Adjuvants
- Targetfish
- Prophylactic measures in rainbow trout aquaculture; Further development of a DNA vaccine for PKD
- Development of novel oral vaccination strategies for Atlantic salmon
- ParaFishControl Saprolegnia
- ParaFishControl PKD
- Cytokine Biology
- Sustainable Diets and Health
Correlates of Protection
- The development of a non-lethal sampling technique to understand host responses to ectoparasites
- Interactions between natural products and pathogenicity in Yersinia ruckeri
- Is stress in farmed salmon an important factor for Saprolegniosis
- Atlantic salmon immune response to infestation (AGD) and influence of host physiological status
Vaccine Development
- Publications
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- EcoNex
Research Impact
- Climate-friendly agriculture for policy makers and farmers
- The problem of arsenic and rice
- Carbon Calculating Reshaping Public Policy for the Development of Scottish Windfarms
- Protecting marine mammal populations from off-shore energy developments
- Protecting the red-billed chough population of Scotland
- Minimising the impact of human activities on wild marine mammals
- Eradicating American mink and conserving the native water vole population
- Research Highlights
- Research Partnerships
- Join Us!
- SBS PGR Conference 2024
- Outreach
- People
- News
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