The Zoology Museum's displays are worldwide in scope, from protozoa to the great whales, including taxidermy, skeletal material, study skins, fluid-preserved specimens and models.
Visitors are warmly welcomed to the museum, and there is no charge for admission.
The museum is open Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm and free for all to visit.
Parking at the Zoology Museum
Please note that parking on site is reserved for staff and students outwith the above dates, however blue badge holders can use the disabled bays in the parking lot. Alternative parking for other visitors can be found on the Chanonry and Bedford Road (both are pay and display). For more details on opening hours and parking please visit the Zoology Museum page .
Schools and other groups wishing to visit the museum should contact the Aberdeen Biodiversity Centre for information about their activities. All group visits must be booked in advance.