Selected Reports

Selected Reports

Cheney, B.J., Arso-Civil, M., Hammond, P.S. & Thompson, P.M. (2024) Site Condition Monitoring of bottlenose dolphins within the Moray Firth Special Area of Conservation: 2017-2022. NatureScot Research Report 1360 .

Fernandez-Betelu, O., Iorio-Merlo, V., Houliston, H., Graham, I.M., Cheney, B.J., Mouy, X., Davis, G., Awbery, T., Risch, D. & Thompson, P.M. (2024) Minke Whale Monitoring Report - Moray Firth MMMP WP3 - 2024.pdf .

Iorio-Merlo, V., Fernandez-Betelu, O., Benhemma-Le Gall, A., Graham, I.M. & Thompson, P.M. (2024) Changes in the occurrence of harbour porpoises following the construction of Moray Firth offshore windfarms. Porpoise Monitoring Report - Moray Firth MMMP WP4 - 250324.pdf

Arso Civil, M., Quick, N., Mews, S., Hague, E., Cheney, B.J., Thompson, P.M. and Hammond, P.S. (2021) Improving understanding of bottlenose dolphin movements along the east coast of Scotland. Final Report. Report number SMRUC-VAT-2020-10 provided to European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDV), March 2021 (unpublished).

Carter, M. I. D., Boehme, L., Duck, C.D., Grecian, W.J., Hastie, G.D., McConnell, B.J., Miller, D.L., Morris, C.D., Moss, S.E.W., Thompson, D., Thompson, P.M. & Russel, D.J.F. (2020) Habitat-based predictions of at-sea distribution for grey and harbour seals in the British Isles. Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St Andrews, Report to BEIS, OESEA-16-76/OESEA-17-78 .

Cheney, B., Graham, I.M., Barton, T.R., Hammond, P.S. & Thompson, P.M. (2018) Site Condition Monitoring of bottlenose dolphins within the Moray Firth Special Area of Conservation: 2014-2016. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 1021 .

Graham, I. M., A. Farcas, N. D. Merchant, and P. Thompson. (2017). Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm: An interim estimate of the probability of porpoise displacement at different unweighted single-pulse sound exposure levels. Prepared by the University of Aberdeen for Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd. LF000005-REP-2396 Revision 1.0

Graham, I.M., Cheney, B., Hewitt, R.C., Cordes, L.S., Hastie, G.D. and Thompson, P.M. (2017) Strategic Regional Pre-Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme 2017 Annual Report for the Moray Firth Regional Advisory Group .

Graham, I.M., Cheney, B., Hewitt, R.C., Cordes, L.S., Hastie, G.D., Russell, D.J.F., Arso Civil, M., Hammond, P.S. and Thompson, P.M. (2016) Strategic Regional Pre-Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme. 2016 Annual Report for the Moray Firth Regional Advisory Group .

Thompson, P.M. & Hewitt, R. (2015) University of Aberdeen Lighthouse Field Station; 25 years of teaching and research in Cromarty .

Graham, I.M., Cheney, B., Hewitt, R.C., Hastie, G.D. and Thompson, P.M. (2015) Strategic Regional Pre-Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme. 2015 Annual Report for the Moray Firth Regional Advisory Group .

Embling, C.B., Wilson, B., Benjamins, S., Pikesley, S., Thompson, P., Graham, I., Cheney, B., Brookes, K.L., Godley, B.J. & Witt, M.J. (2014) Use of Static Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) for monitoring cetaceans at Marine Renewable Energy Installations (MREIs) for Marine Scotland. NERC Marine Renewable Energy Knowledge Exchange (MREKE) Program Guidance Document.

Cheney, B., Graham, I.M., Barton, T.R., Hammond, P.S. & Thompson, P.M. (2014) Site Condition Monitoring of bottlenose dolphins within the Moray Firth Special Area of Conservation: 2011-2013. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 797 .

Quick, N.J., Arso, M., Cheney, B., Islas-Villanueva, V., Janik, V.M., Thompson, P.M. & Hammond, P.S. (2014) The east coast of Scotland bottlenose dolphin population: Improving understanding of ecology outside the Moray Firth SAC. Report to the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change's Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessment Programme (14D/086) .

Thompson, P., Brookes, K., Cordes, L., Barton, T., Cheney, B. & Graham, I. (2013) Assessing the potential impact of oil and gas exploration operations on cetaceans in the Moray Firth. Final Report to DECC, Scottish Government, COWRIE and Oil & Gas UK.

Lusseau, D., Christiansen, F., Harwood, J., Mendes, S., Thompson, P.M., Smith, K. & Hastie, G.D. (2012). Assessing the risks to marine mammal populations from renewable energy devices - an interim approach. Final report from the CCW, JNCC NERC Knowledge Exchange Workshop .

Cheney, B., Corkrey, R., Quick, N.J., Janik, V.M., Islas-Villanueva, V., Hammond, P.S. & Thompson, P.M. (2012) Site Condition Monitoring of bottlenose dolphins within the Moray Firth Special Area of Conservation: 2008-2010. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 512 .

Thompson, P.M., Cheney, B., Ingram, S., Stevick, P., Wilson, B. & Hammond, P.S. (Eds) (2011). Distribution, abundance and population structure of bottlenose dolphins in Scottish waters. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 354.

Thompson, P.M., Wilson, B., Hastie, G., Daunt, F. & Kerr, S. (Eds) (2010). Marine Top Predators and Renewables; Survey and Research Requirements. MASTS Marine Predator JRT Workshop Report, 18-19th March, Perth .

Peterson, C.H., Pierce, B.A., Dumbauld, B.R., Friedman, C., Hofmann, E.E., Kite-Powell, H., Manahan, D.T., O'Beirn, F., Paine, R.T., Thompson, P. & Whitlatch, R. (2010). Ecosystem Concepts for Sustainable Bivalve Mariculture. National Academies Press, Washington DC. ISBN-10: 0-309-14695-X

Peterson, C.H., Pierce, B.A., Dumbauld, B.R., Friedman, C., Hofmann, E.E., Kite-Powell, H., Manahan, D.T., O'Beirn, F., Paine, R.T., Thompson, P. & Whitlatch, R. (2009). Shellfish Mariculture in Drakes Estero, Point Reyes National Seashore, California. National Academies Press, Washington DC. ISBN-10: 0-309-13898-1

Walls, R.J., Pendlebury, C.J, Budgey, R., Brookes, K. & Thompson, P. (2009) Revised best practice guidance for the use of remote techniques for ornithological monitoring at offshore windfarms. Published by COWRIE Ltd .

Senior, B., Bailey, H., Lusseau, D. Foote, A. & Thompson, P.M. (2008) Anthropogenic noise in the Moray Firth SAC; Potential sources and impacts on bottlenose dolphins. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No 265 (ROAME No. F05LE02).

Thompson, P.M., Corkrey, R., Lusseau, D., Lusseau, S.M., Quick, N., Durban, J.W., Parsons, K.M. & Hammond, P.S. (2006) An assessment of the current condition of the Moray Firth bottlenose dolphin population. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No 175 (ROAME No. F02AC409).

Thompson, P.M., Lusseau, D., Corkrey, R. & Hammond, P.S. (2004) Moray Firth bottlenose dolphin monitoring strategy options. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 079 (ROAME No. F02AA409).

Swift, R.J, Hastie,G.D., Barton,T.R., Clark,C.W, Tasker,M.L. & Thompson,P.M. (2004) Passive acoustic monitoring of whale distribution in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Final Contract Report to Atlantic Frontier Environmental Network No. AMJG 02/15 .

Sanders-Reed, C.A., Hammond, P.S., Grellier, K. & Thompson, P.M. (1999) Development of a population model for bottlenose dolphins. SNH Research, Survey & Monitoring Report No. 156.

Curran, S., Wilson, B. & Thompson, P.M. (1996) Recommendations for the sustainable management of the bottlenose dolphin population in the Moray Firth. Scottish Natural Heritage Review Series, No. 56. SNH, Edinburgh. 74pp.

Grellier, K., Arnold, H., Thompson, P.M., Wilson, B. & Curran, S. (1995) Management recommendations for the Cardigan Bay bottlenose dolphin population. Contract Science Report No. 134, Countryside Council for Wales, Bangor. 68pp.