2025 & In Press
Patton, P.T., Pacifici, K., Baird, R.W., Oleson, E.M., Allen, J.B., Ashe, E., Athayde, A., Basran, C.J., Cabrera, E., Calambokidis, J., Cardoso, J., Carroll, E.L., Cesario, A., Cheney, B.J., et al. (2025) Optimizing automated photo identification for population assessments. Conservation Biology. doi.org/10.1111/cobi.14436 [Open Access]
Bicknell A.W.J, Gierhart S., Newton M., Main R., Thompson P., Witt M.J. (2025) The role of acoustic telemetry to assess the effects of offshore wind infrastructure on fish behaviour, populations and predation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 212:115306 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2024.115306
Albert C., Moe B., Strøm H., Grémillet D., Brault-Favrou M., Tarroux A., et al. (2025) Seabirds reveal mercury distribution across the North Atlantic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121:e2315513121 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2315513121
Clegg T.L., Christensen-Dalsgaard S., Bråthen V.S., Tarroux A., Danielsen J., Descamps S., Follestad, A. Hallgrimsson, G.T., Helberg, M., Helgason, H.H., Jonsson, J.E., Kolbeinsson, Y., Strom, H., Thompson, P., Thorarinsson, T.L., Williams, T., Baerum, K.M. (2024) Bycatch of northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) in Norwegian longline fisheries: Assessing spatiotemporal variations in scale and risk to improve management. Global Ecology and Conservation. 56:e03350 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e03350
Fernandez Betelu, O., Graham, I.M., Malcher, F., Webster, E., Cheong, S., Wang, L., Iorio-Merlo, V., Robinson, S. & Thompson, P.M. (2024) Characterising underwater noise and changes in harbour porpoise behaviour during the decommissioning of an oil and gas platform. Marine Pollution Bulletin 200 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116083
Fisher, D.N. & Cheney, B.J. (2023) Dolphin social phenotypes vary in response to food availability but not the North Atlantic Oscillation index. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2023.1187
Benhemma-Le Gall, A., Thompson, P., Merchant, H., Graham, I. (2023) Vessel noise prior to pile driving at offshore windfarm sites deters harbour porpoises from potential injury zones. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 103. doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2023.107271
Darby, J.H., Clairbaux, M., Quinn, J.L., Thompson, P., Quinn, L., Cabot, D., Strøm, H., Thorarinsson, T.L., Kempf, J & Jessopp, M.J. (2023) Decadal increase in vessel interactions by a scavenging pelagic seabird across the North Atlantic. Current Biology doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2023.08.033
Halupka, L., Arlt, D., Tolvanen, J., Millon, A., Bize, P., Adamík, P., . . . Halupka, K. (2023). The effect of climate change on avian offspring production: A global meta-analysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(19), e2208389120. doi:doi:10.1073/pnas.2208389120
Clark, B. L., Carneiro, A. P. B., Pearmain, E. J., Rouyer, M.-M., Clay, T. A., Cowger, W., . . . Dias, M. P. (2023). Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds. Nature Communications, 14, 3665. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-38900-z
Patton, P.T., Cheeseman, T., Abe, K., Yamaguchi, T., Reade, W., Southerland, K., Howard, A., Oleson, E.M., Allen, J.B., Ashe, E., Athayde, A., Baird, R.W., Basran, C., Cabrera, E., Calambokidis, J., Cardoso, J., Carroll, E.L., Cesario, A., Cheney, B.J., et al. (2023) A deep learning approach to photo-identification demonstrates high performance on two dozen cetacean species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.14167 [Open Access ].
Fernandez Betelu, O., Iorio-Merlo, V., Graham, I.M., Cheney, B.J., Prentice, S., Cheng, X. & Thompson, P.M. (2023) Variation in foraging activity influences area-restricted search behaviour by bottlenose dolphins. Royal Society Open Science 10. doi.org/10.1098/rsos.221613 [Open Access ].
Graham, I.M., Gillespie, D., Gkikopoulou, K.C., Hastie, G.D. and Thompson, P.M. (2023) Directional hydrophone clusters reveal evasive responses of small cetaceans to disturbance during construction at offshore windfarms. Biology Letters 19. doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2022.0101
Herbert-Read, J. E., Thornton, A., Amon, D. J., Birchenough, S. N. R., Côté, I. M., Dias, M. P., . . . Sutherland, W. J. (2022). A global horizon scan of issues impacting marine and coastal biodiversity conservation. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6, 1262-1270. doi:10.1038/s41559-022-01812-0
Carter, M.I.D., Boehme, L., Cronin, M.A., Duck, C.D., Grecian, W.J., Hastie, G.D., Jessop, M. Matthiopoulos, J., McConnell, B.J., Miller, D.L., Morris, C.D., Moss, S.E.W., Thompson, D., Thompson, P.M. & Russell, D.J.F. (2022) Sympatric Seals, Satellite Tracking and Protected Areas: Habitat-Based Distribution Estimates for Conservation and Management. Frontiers in Marine Science 9. doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.875869
Trotter, C., Wright, N., McGough, A.S., Sharpe, M., Cheney, B.J., Arso Civil, M., Moore, R.T., Allen, J. & Berggren, P. (2022) Towards automatic cetacean photo-identification: A framework for fine-grain, few-shot learning in marine ecology. doi.org.10 48550/arXiv.2212.03646
Robinson, S.P., Wang, L., Cheong, S., Lepper, P., Hartley, J., Thompson, P.M., Edwards, E., Bellmann, M. (2022) Acoustic characterisation of unexploded ordnance disposal in the North Sea using high order detonations. Marine Pollution Bulletin doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114178
Fernandez-Betelu, O., Graham, I.M. & Thompson, P.M. (2022) Reef effect of offshore structures on the occurrence and foraging activity of harbour porpoise. Frontiers in Marine Science 9. [Open Access ].
Iorio-Merlo, V., Graham, I.M., Hewitt, R.C., Aarts, G., Pirotta, E., Hastie, G.D. & Thompson, P.M. (2022) Prey encounters and spatial memory influence use of foraging patches in a marine central place forager. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2021.2261
Cheney, B.J., Dale, J., Thompson, P.M. & Quick, N.J. (2022) Spy in the sky: a method to identify pregnant small cetaceans. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation [Open Access ].
Williamson, L.D., Scott, B.E., Laxton, M.R., Bachl, F.E., Illian, J.B., Brookes, K.L. & Thompson, P.M. (2022) Spatiotemporal variation in harbor porpoise distribution and foraging across a landscape of fear. Marine Mammal Science 38, 42-57. 10.1111/mms.12839. [Open Access ]
Fernandez-Betelu, O., Graham, I.M., Brookes, K.L., Cheney, B.J., Barton, T.R., Thompson, P.M. (2021) Far-field effects of impulsive noise on coastal bottlenose dolphins. Frontiers in Marine Science 8. [Open Access ].
Benhemma-Le Gall, A., Graham, I.M., Merchant, N.D. & Thompson, P.M. (2021) Broad-Scale Responses of Harbor Porpoises to Pile-Driving and Vessel Activities During Offshore Windfarm Construction. Frontiers in Marine Science 8. [Open Access ].
Hoekendijk, J.P.A., Leopold. M.F. & Cheney, B.J. (2021) Bottlenose dolphins in the Netherlands come from two sides: across the North Sea and through the English Channel. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 101(5) doi:10.1017/S0025315421000679 [Open Access ].
Darby, J.H., de Grissac, S., Arneill, G.E., Pirotta, E., Waggitt, J.J., Börger, L., Shepard, E., Cabot, D., Owen, E., Bolton, M., Edwards, E.W.J., Thompson, P.M., Quinn, J.L., Jessopp, M. (2021) Foraging distribution of breeding northern fulmars is predicted by commercial fisheries Marine Ecology Progress Series 679, 181-194 10.3354/meps13887. [Open Access ]
Albert, C., Bråthen, V.S., Descamps, S., Anker-Nilssen, T., Cherenkov, A., Christensen-Dalsgaard, S., et al. (2021) Inter-annual variation in winter distribution affects individual seabird contamination with mercury. Marine Ecology Progress Series 676, 243-54. 10.3354/meps13793
Amélineau, F., Merkel, B., Tarroux, A., Descamps, S., Anker-Nilssen, T., Bjørnstad, O., et al. (2021) Six pelagic seabird species of the North Atlantic engage in a fly-and-forage strategy during their migratory movements. Marine Ecology Progress Series 676, 127-44. 10.3354/meps13872. [Open Access ]
Davies, T.E., Carneiro, A.P.B., Tarzia, M., Wakefield, E., Hennicke, J.C., Frederiksen M, et al. (2021) Multispecies tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic. Conservation Letters 14. 10.1111/conl.12824. [Open Access ]
Dupuis, B., Amélineau, F., Tarroux, A., Bjørnstad, O., Bråthen, V.S., Danielsen, J., et al. (2021) Light-level geolocators reveal spatial variations in interactions between northern fulmars and fisheries. Marine Ecology Progress Series 676, 159-72. 10.3354/meps13673. [Open Access ]
Fauchald. P., Tarroux, A., Amélineau, F., Bråthen, V.S., Descamps, S., Ekker, M., et al. (2021) Year-round distribution of Northeast Atlantic seabird populations: applications for population management and marine spatial planning. Marine Ecology Progress Series 676, 255-76. 10.3354/meps13854. [Open Access ]
Wakefield, E.D., Miller, D.L., Bond, S.L., le Bouard, F., Carvalho, P.C., Catry, P., et al. (2021) The summer distribution, habitat associations and abundance of seabirds in the sub-polar frontal zone of the Northwest Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography 198. 10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102657. [Open Access ]
Newton, M., Barry, J., Lothian, A., Main, R., Honkanen, H., Mckelvey, S., Thompson, P., Davies, I., Brockie, N., Stephen, A., O'Hara Murray, R., Gardiner, R., Campbell, L., Stainer, P., & Adams, C. (2021) Counterintuitive active directional swimming behaviour by Atlantic salmon during seaward migration in the coastal zone. ICES Journal of Marine Science. fsab024. [Open Access ]
Chudzinska, M., Nabe-Nielsen, J., Smout, S., Aarts, G., Brasseur, S., Graham, I., Thompson, P. & McConnell, B. (2021) AgentSeal: Agent-based model describing movement of marine central-place foragers. Ecological Modelling 440. [Open Access ]
- 2011 - 2020
2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011
Thompson, PM, Graham, IM, Cheney, B, Barton, TR, Farcas, A, Merchant, ND. (2020) Balancing risks of injury and disturbance to marine mammals when pile driving at offshore windfarms. Ecological Solutions & Evidence. 1:e12034. https://doi.org/10.1002/2688-8319.12034
Nikolic, N., Thompson, P., de Bruyn, M., Macé, M., Chevalet, C. (2020) Evolutionary history of a Scottish harbour seal population. PeerJ 8:e9167
Hall, A.J., Hewitt, R.C. & Arso Civil, M. (2020) Determining pregnancy status in harbour seals using progesterone concentrations in blood and blubber. General and Comparative Endocrinology 10.1016/j.ygcen.2020.113529 .
Waggitt, J.J. et al. (2020) Distribution maps of cetacean and seabird populations in the North-East Atlantic. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:253-269 10.1111/1365-2664.13525 [Open Access ].
Grissot, A., Graham, I.M., Quinn, L., Brathen, V.S. & Thompson, P.M. (2020) Breeding status influences timing but not duration of moult in the Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis. IBIS 162, 446-459. 10.1111/ibi.12714 .
Hastie, G., Merchant, N. D., Götz, T., Russell, D. J. F., Thompson, P., and Janik, V. M.. 2019. Effects of impulsive noise on marine mammals: investigating range‐dependent risk. Ecological Applications 29( 5):e01906. 10.1002/eap.1906
Hall, A.J., Mackey, B., Kershaw, J.L. & Thompson, P. (2019) Age-length relationships in UK harbour seals during a period of population decline. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 (S1): 61-70 10.1002/aqc.3104 .
Caillat, M., Cordes, L., Thompson, P., Matthiopoulos, J. & Smout, S. (2019) Use of state‐space modelling to identify ecological covariates associated with trends in pinniped demography. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 (S1): 101-118 10.1002/aqc.3130 .
Graham, I.M., Merchant, N.D., Farcas, A., Barton, T.R., Cheney, B., Bono, S. & Thompson, P.M. (2019) Harbour porpoise responses to pile-driving diminish over time. Royal Society Open Science 6: 10.1098/rsos.190335 [Open Access ].
Arso Civil, M., Quick, N.J., Cheney, B., Pirotta, E., Thompson, P.M., & Hammond, P.S. (2019) Changing distribution of the east coast of Scotland bottlenose dolphin population and the challenges of area-based management. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29(S1):178-196 10.1002/aqc.3102 .
Fernandez-Betelu, O., Graham, I.M., Cornulier, T., & Thompson, P.M. (2019) Fine scale spatial variability in the influence of environmental cycles on the occurrence of dolphins at coastal sites. Scientific Reports 9:2548 10.1038/s41598-019-38900-4 [Open Access ].
Cheney, B.J., Thompson, P.M. & Cordes, L.S. (2019) Increasing trends in fecundity and calf survival of bottlenose dolphins in a marine protected area. Scientific Reports 9:1767 10.1038/s41598-018-38278-9 [Open Access ].
Nabe-Nielsen, J., van Beest, F.M., Grimm, V., Sibly, R.M., Teilmann, J. & Thompson, P.M. (2018) Predicting the impacts of anthropogenic disturbances on marine populations. Conservation Letters [Open Access ]
Arso Civil, M., Cheney, B., Quick, N.J., Islas-Villanueva, V., Graves, J.A., Janik, V.M., Thompson, P.M., & Hammond, P.S. (2018) Variation in age- and sex-specific survival rates help explain population trend in a discrete marine mammal population. Ecology and Evolution 10.1002/ece3.4772 [Open Access ].
Pirotta E., Edwards E.W.J., New L. & Thompson P.M. (2018) Central place foragers and moving stimuli: A hidden‐state model to discriminate the processes affecting movement. Journal of Animal Ecology 87:1116-1125 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12830.
Tricola, G., Simons, M., Atema, E. Boughton, R . Brown, J., Dearborn, D.,Divoky, G., Eimes, J., Huntington, C., Juola, F., Kitaysky, A., Lank, D., Litwa, H., Mulder, E., Nisbet, I., Okanoya, K., Subutsu R., Safran, R., Schoech, S., Schreiber, E., Thompson, P., Verhulst, S., Wheelwright, N., Winkler, D., Young, R., Vleck, C. & Haussmann, M. (2018) The rate of telomere loss is related to maximum lifespan in birds. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 373: 20160445 [Open Access ].
Cheney, B., Wells, R.S., Barton, T.R. & Thompson, P.M. (2017) Laser photogrammetry reveals variation in growth and early survival in free-ranging bottlenose dolphins. Animal Conservation. 10.1111/acv.12384 [Open Access ].
Graham, I.M., Pirotta, E., Merchant, N.D., Farcas, A., Barton, T.R., Cheney, B., Hastie, G.D. & Thompson, P.M. (2017) Responses of bottlenose dolphins and harbour porpoises to impact and vibration piling noise during harbour construction. Ecosphere 8(5):e01793. 10.1002/ecs2.1793 [Open Access ].
Williamson, L.D., Brookes, K.L., Scott, B.E., Graham, I.M. & Thompson, P.M. (2017) Diurnal variation in harbour porpoise detection - potential implications for management. Marine Ecology Progress Series 570:223-232 [Open Access ].
Arso Civil, M., Cheney, B., Quick, N.J., Thompson, P.M., & Hammond, P.S. (2017) A new approach to estimate fecundity rate from inter-birth intervals. Ecosphere, 8(4):1-10 [Open Access ].
Quick, N.J., Cheney, B., Thompson, P.M., & Hammond, P.S. (2017) Can the camera lie? A non-permanent nick in a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Aquatic Mammals, 43(2):156-161 https://doi.org/10.1578/AM.43.2.2017.156
Ten Doeschate, M., Brownlow, A., Davison, N., & Thompson, P. (2017) Dead useful; methods for quantifying baseline variability in stranding rates to improve the ecological value of the strandings record as a monitoring tool. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1-5. doi:10.1017/S0025315417000698.
Edwards, E.W.J., Quinn, L.R. & Thompson, P.M. (2016) State-space modelling of geolocation data reveals sex-differences in the use of different North East Atlantic management areas by breeding northern fulmars. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53:1880-1889 [Open Access ]
Thackeray, S. J., Henrys, P. A., Hemming, D., Bell, J. R., Botham, M. S., Burthe, S., Helaouet, P., Johns, D. G., Jones, I. D., Leech, D. I., Mackay, E. B., Massimino, D., Atkinson, S., Bacon, P. J., Brereton, T. M., Carvalho, L., Clutton-Brock, T. H., Duck, C., Edwards, M., Elliott, J. M., Hall, S. J. G., Harrington, R., Pearce-Higgins, J W., Høye, T. T., Kruuk, L. E. B., Pemberton, J. M., Sparks, T. H., Thompson, P. M., White, I., Winfield, I. J. & Wanless, S. (2016) Phenological sensitivity to climate across taxa and trophic levels. Nature http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature18608
Quinn, L.R., Meharg, A.A., van Franeker, J.A., Graham, I.M. & Thompson, P.M. (2016) Validating the use of intrinsic markers in body feathers to identify inter-individual differences in non-breeding areas of northern fulmars. Marine Biology, 163:64. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-016-2822-1 [Open Access ].
Williamson, L.D., Brookes, K.L., Scott, B.E., Graham, I.M., Bradbury, G., Hammond, P.S. & Thompson, P.M. (2016) Echolocation detections and digital video surveys provide reliable estimates of the relative density of harbour porpoises. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12538 [Open Access ].
Farcas, A. Thompson, P.M. & Merchant, N.D. (2016) Underwater noise modelling for environmental impact assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 57:114-122 [Open Access ].
Pirotta, E., Harwood, J., Thompson, P.M., New, L., Cheney, B., Arso, M., Hammond, P.S., Donovan, C. & Lusseau, D. (2015) Predicting the effects of human developments on individual dolphins to understand potential long-term population consequences. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 282: 20152109. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.2109.
Cordes, L.S., Hedworth, H.E., Cabot, D., Cassidy, M. & Thompson, P.M. (2015) Parallel declines in survival of adult Northern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis at colonies in Scotland and Ireland. Ibis, 157: 631-636.
Butler, J.R.A., Young, J.C., McMyn, I.A.G., Leyshon, B., Graham, I.M., Walker, I., Baxter, J.M., Dodd, J. & Warburton, C. (2015) Evaluating adaptive co-management as conservation conflict resolution: Learning from seals and salmon. Journal of Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.06.019 [Open Access ].
Russell, D.J.F., McClintock, B.T., Matthiopoulos, J., Thompson, P. , Thompson, D., Hammond, P.S., Jones, E.L. , MacKenzie, M., Moss, S. & McConnell, B.J. (2015) Intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of activity budgets in sympatric grey and harbour seals. Oikos, 124: 1462-1472.
Cordes, L.S. & Thompson, P.M. (2015) Mark-resight estimates of seasonal variation in harbor seal abundance and site fidelity. Population Ecology, 57: 467-472.
Pirotta, E., Merchant, N.D., Thompson, P.M., Barton, T.R. & Lusseau, D. (2015) Quantifying the effect of boat disturbance on bottlenose dolphin foraging activity. Biological Conservation 181: 82-89.
Cheney, B., Corkrey, R., Durban, J.W., Grellier, K., Hammond, P.S., Islas-Villanueva, V., Janik, V.M., Lusseau, S.M., Parsons, K.M., Quick, N.J., Wilson, B., Thompson, P.M. (2014) Long-term trends in the use of a protected area by small cetaceans in relation to changes in population status. Global Ecology and Conservation 2: 118-128 [Open Access ].
Bailey, H., Brookes, K.L. & Thompson, P.M. (2014) Assessing environmental impacts of offshore wind farms: lessons learned and recommendations for the future. Aquatic Biosystems 10 [Open Access ].
Thompson, P.M., Brookes, K.L. & Cordes, L.S. (2014) Integrating passive acoustic and visual data to model spatial patterns of occurrence in coastal dolphins ICES J. Mar. Sci., DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsu110.
Pirotta, E., Brookes, K.L., Graham, I.M. & Thompson, P.M. (2014) Variation in harbour porpoise activity in response to seismic survey noise. Biology Letters, 10: 20131090.
Pirotta, E., Thompson, P.M., Cheney, B., Donovan, C.R. & Lusseau, D. (2014) Estimating spatial, temporal and individual variability in dolphin cumulative exposure to boat traffic using spatially-explicit capture-recapture methods. Animal Conservation, DOI: 10.1111/acv.12132.
Abadi, F., Barbraud, C., Besson, D., Bried, J., Crochet, P-A., Delord, K., Forcada, J., Grosbois, V., Phillips, R.A., Sagar, P., Thompson, P., Waugh, S., Weimerskirch, H., Wood, A.G., Gimenez, O. (2014) Importance of accounting for phylogenetic dependence in multi-species mark-recapture studies. Ecological Modelling 273: 236-241.
Cordes, L.S., & Thompson, P.M. (2014) Mark-recapture modeling accounting for state uncertainty provides concurrent estimates of survival and fecundity in a protected harbor seal population. Marine Mammal Science 30: 691-705.
Merchant, N.D., Pirotta, E., Barton, T.R. & Thompson, P.M. (2014) Monitoring ship noise to assess the impact of coastal developments on marine mammals. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 78: 85-89.
Bailey, H., Hammond, P.S. & Paul M. Thompson (2014) Modelling harbour seal habitat by combining data from multiple tracking systems. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 450: 30-39.
Pirotta, E., Thompson, P.M., Miller, P.I., Brookes, K.L., Cheney, B, Barton, T.R., Graham, I.M. & Lusseau, D. (2014) Scale-dependent foraging ecology of a marine top predator modelled using passive acoustic data. Functional Ecology, 28: 206-217.
Fearnbach, H., Durban, J.W., Ellifrit, D.K., Waite, J.M., Matkin, C.O., Lunsford, C.R., Peterson, M.J., Barlow, J. & Wade, P.R. (2013) Spatial and social connectivity of fish-eating "Resident" killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the northern North Pacific. Marine Biology DOI: 10.1007/s00227-013-2351-0.
Thompson, P.M., Brookes, K.L., Graham, I.M., Barton, T.R., Needham, K., Bradbury, G. & Merchant, N.D. (2013) Short-term disturbance by a commercial two-dimensional seismic survey does not lead to long-term displacement of harbour porpoises. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 280: 20132001. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.2001 [Open Access ]
Matthiopoulos, J., Cordes, L., Mackey, B., Thompson, D., Duck, C., Smout, S., Caillat, M. & Thompson, P. (2013) State-space modelling reveals proximate causes of harbour seal population declines. Oecologia 174: 151-162.
Brookes, K.L., Bailey, H. & Thompson, P.M. (2013) Predictions from harbor porpoise habitat association models are confirmed by long-term passive acoustic monitoring. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134: 2523-2533.
Thompson, P.M., Hastie, G.D., Nedwell, J., Barham, R., Brookes, K.L., Cordes, L.S., Bailey, H. & McLean, N. (2013). Framework for assessing impacts of pile-driving noise from offshore wind farm construction on a harbour seal population. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 43: 73-85.
Cordes, L.S. & Thompson, P.M. (2013). Variation in breeding phenology provides insights into drivers of long-term population change in harbour seals. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B., 280:20130847.
Edwards, E.W.J., Quinn, L.R., Wakefield, E.D., Miller, P.I. & Thompson, P.M. (2013) Tracking a northern fulmar from a Scottish nesting site to the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone: evidence of linkage between coastal breeding seabirds and Mid-Atlantic Ridge feeding sites. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 98: 438-444 [Open Access ].
Merchant, N.D., Barton, T.R., Thompson, P.M., Pirotta, E., Dakin, D.T. & Dorocicz, J. (2013) Spectral probability density as a tool for ambient noise analysis. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133, EL262, DOI:10.1121/1.4794934.
Owen, E., Daunt, F., Moffat, C., Elston, D., Wanless, S. & Thompson, P. (2013) Analysis of fatty acids and fatty alcohols reveals seasonal and sex specific changes in the diets of seabirds. Marine Biology, 160: 987-999.
New, L. F., J. Harwood, L. Thomas, C. Donovan, J. S. Clark, G. Hastie, P. M. Thompson, B. Cheney, L. Scott-Hayward, and D. Lusseau. (2013) Modeling the biological significance of behavioural change in coastal bottlenose dolphins in response to disturbance. Functional Ecology, 27: 314-322.
Marley, S.A., Cheney, B. & Thompson, P.M. (2013) Using tooth rakes to monitor population and sex differences in aggressive behaviour in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Aquatic Mammals, 39: 107-115.
Cheney, B., Thompson, P.M., Ingram, S.N., Hammond, P.S., Stevick, P.T., Durban, J.W., Culloch, R.M., Elwen, S.H., Mandleberg, L., Janik, V.M., Quick, N.J., Islas-Villanueva, V., Robinson, K.P., Costa, M., Eisfeld, S.M., Walters, A., Phillips, C., Weir, C.R., Evans, P.G.H., Anderwald, P., Reid, R.J., Reid, J.B. & Wilson, B. (2013) Integrating multiple data sources to assess the distribution and abundance of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in Scottish waters. Mammal Review, 43: 71-88.
Bailey, H., Corkrey, R., Cheney, B & Thompson, P.M. (2013) Analyzing temporally correlated dolphin sightings data using generalized estimating equations. Marine Mammal Science, 29:123-141.
Robinson, K.P., O' Brien, J.M., Berrow, S.D., Cheney, B., Costa, M., Eisfeld, S.M., Haberline, D., Mandleberg, L., O' Donovan, M., Machiel, G., Oudejans, M.G., Ryan, C., Stevick, P.T., Thompson, P.M. & Whooley, P. (2012). Discrete or not so discrete: Long distance movements by coastal bottlenose dolphins in UK and Irish waters. Journal of Cetacean Research & Management, 12: 365-371.
Fearnbach, H., Durban, J., Parsons, K. and Claridge, D. (2012). Photographic mark-recapture analysis of local dynamics within an open population of dolphins. Ecological Applications, 22: 1689-1700.
Fearnbach, H., J. W Durban, K. M. Parsons, and D. E. Claridge. (2012) Seasonality of calving and predation risk in bottlenose dolphins on Little Bahama Bank. Marine Mammal Science, 28: 402-411.
Orzack, S.H., Steiner, U.K., Tuljapurkar, S. & Thompson, P.M. (2011) Static and dynamic expression of life history traits in the northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis). Oikos, 120: 369-380. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2010.17996.x.
Cordes, L.S., Duck, C.D., Mackey, B.L., Hall, A.J. & Thompson, P.M. (2011) Long-term patterns in harbour seal site-use and the consequences for managing protected areas. Animal Conservation, 14: 430-438. doi:10.1111/j.1469-1795.2011.00445.x
Fearnbach, H., Durban, J.W., Ellifrit, D.K. & Balcomb III, K.C. (2011) Size and long-term growth trends of Endangered fish-eating killer whales. Endangered Species Research, 13: 173-180.
Deecke, V.B., Nykänen, M., Foote, A.D. & Janik, V.M. (2011) Vocal behaviour and feeding ecology of killer whales, Orcinus orca, around Shetland, UK. Aquatic Biology, 13: 79-88.
Foote, A.D., Vilstrup, J.T., de Stephanis, R., Verborgh, P., Nielsen, S.C.A., Deaville, R., Kleivane, L., Martin, V., Miller, P.J.O., Oien, N., Perez-Gil, M., Rasmussen, M., Reid, R.J., Robertson, K.M., Rogan, E., Similae, T., Tejedor, M.L., Vester, H., Vikingsson, G.A., Willerslev, E., Gilbert, M.T.P. & Piertney, S.B. (2011) Genetic differentiation among North Atlantic killer whale populations. Molecular Ecology, 20: 629-641. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04957.x
Graham, I.M., Harris, R.N. & Middlemas, S.J. (2011) Seals, salmon and stakeholders: integrating knowledge to reduce biodiversity conflict. Animal Conservation, 14: 604-607. doi:10.1111/j.1469-1795.2011.00513.x.
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Bailey, H. & Thompson, P. (2010) Effect of oceanographic features on the fine-scale foraging movements of bottlenose dolphins. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 418: 223-233.
Thompson, P.M., Lusseau, D., Barton, T., Simmons, D., Rusin, J. & Bailey, H. (2010) Assessing the responses of coastal cetaceans to the construction of offshore wind turbines. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60: 1200-1208.
Bailey, H., Senior, B., Simmons, D., Rusin, J., Picken, G. & Thompson, P.M. (2010) Assessing underwater noise levels during pile-driving at an offshore windfarm and its potential effects on marine mammals. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60: 888-897.
Bailey, H., Clay, G., Coates, E.A., Lusseau, D., Senior, B. & Thompson, P.M. (2010) Using T-PODS to assess variations in the occurrence of coastal bottlenose dolphins and harbour porpoises. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 20: 150-158.
Lonergan, M., Hall, A., Thompson, H., Thompson, P.M., Pomeroy, P. & Harwood, J. (2010) Comparison of the 1988 and 2002 phocine distemper epizootics in British harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, populations. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 88: 183-188.
Foote, A.D., Similä, T., Vikingsson, G.A. & Stevick, P.T. (2010) Movement, site fidelity and connectivity in a top marine predator, the killer whale. Evolutionary Ecology, 24: 803-814.
Morin, P.A., Archer, F.I., Foote, A.D., Vilstrup, J., Allen, E.E., Wade, P., Durban, J., Parsons, K., Pitman, R., Li, L., Bouffard, P., Nielsen, S.C.A., Rasmussen, M., Willerslev, E., Gilbert, M.T.P. & Harkins, T. (2010) Complete mitochondrial genome phylogeographic analysis of killer whales (Orcinus orca) indicates multiple species. Genome Research, 20: 908-916.
Bolt, H.E., Harvey, P.V., Mandleberg, L., & Foote, A.D. (2009) Occurrence of killer whales in Scottish inshore waters: temporal and spatial patterns relative to the distribution of declining harbour seal populations. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 19: 671-675.
Foote, A.D., Newton, J., Piertney, S.B., Willerslev, E. & Gilbert, M.T.P. (2009) Ecological, morphological and genetic divergence of sympatric North Atlantic killer whale populations. Molecular Ecology, 18: 5207-5217.
Bailey, H. & Thompson, P.M. (2009) Using marine mammal habitat modelling to identify priority conservation zones within a marine protected area. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 378: 279-287.
Lewis, S., Elston, D.A., Daunt, F., Cheney, B. & Thompson, P.M. (2009) Effects of extrinsic and intrinsic factors on breeding success in a long lived seabird. Oikos, 118: 521-528.
Gales, N.J., Bowen, W.D., Johnston, D.W., Kovacs, K.M., Littnan, C.L., Perrin, W.F., Reynolds, J.E. III & Thompson, P.M. (2009) Guidelines for the treatment of marine mammals in field research. Marine Mammal Science, 25(3): 725-736.
Mallory, M.L., Gaston, A.J., Forbes, M.R., Gilchrist, H.G., Cheney, B., Lewis, S. & Thompson, P.M. (2008) Flexible incubation rhythm in northern fulmars: a comparison between oceanographic zones. Marine Biology, 154: 1031-1040.
Jones, O.R., Gaillard, J.-M., Tuljapurkar, S., Alho,J.S., Armitage, K.B., Becker, P.H., Bize, P., Brommer, J., Charmantier, A., Charpentier, M., Clutton-Brock, T., Dobson, F.S., Festa-Bianchet, M., Gustafsson, L., Jensen, H., Jones, C.G., Lillandt, B.-G., McCleery, R., Merilä, J., Neuhaus, P., Nicoll, M.A.C., Norris, K., Oli, M.K., Pemberton, J., Pietiäinen, H., Ringsby, T.H., Roulin, A., Saether, B.-E., Setchell J.M., Sheldon, B.C., Thompson, P.M. Weimerskirch, H., Wickings, E.J., Coulson, T. (2008) Senescence rates are determined by ranking on the fast-slow life-history continuum. Ecology Letters, 11: 664-673.
Foote, A.D. (2008) Mortality rate acceleration and post-reproductive lifespan in matrilineal whale species. Biology Letters, 4: 189-191.
Corkrey, R., Brooks, S., Lusseau, D., Parsons, K., Durban, J.W., Hammond, P.S. & Thompson, P.M. (2008). A Bayesian capture-recapture population model with simultaneous estimation of heterogeneity. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103(483): 948-960.
Butler, J.R.A., Middlemas, S.J., McKelvey, S.A., McMyn, I., Leyshon, B., Walker, I., Thompson, P.M. , Boyd, I.L., Duck, C., Armstrong, J.D., Graham, I.M., & Baxter, J.M. (2008) The Moray Firth Seal Management Plan: an adaptive framework for balancing the conservation of seals, salmon, fisheries and wildlife tourism in the UK. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 18: 1025-1038.
Thompson, P.M. & Wheeler, H. (2008) Photo-ID-based estimates of reproductive patterns in female harbor seals. Marine Mammal Science, 24(1): 138-146.
Mackey, B.L., Durban, J.W., Middlemas, S.J. & Thompson, P.M. (2008) A Bayesian estimate of harbour seal survival using sparse photo-identification data. Journal of Zoology, 274: 18-27.
Thompson, P.M., Ingram, S., Lonergan, M., Northridge, S. Hall, A. & Wilson, B. (2007) Climate change causing starvation in harbour porpoises? Biology Letters, 3: 533-534.
Nichols, C., Herman, J., Gaggiotti, O.E., Dobney, K.M., Parsons, K. & Hoelzel, A.R. (2007) Genetic isolation of a now extinct population of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Proceedings of the Royal Society, B., 274: 1611-1616.
Thompson, P.M. (2007) Developing water quality standards for coastal dolphins. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54: 123-127.
Thompson, P.M., Mackey, B., Barton, T.R., Duck, C. & Butler, J.R.A. (2007) Assessing the potential impact of salmon fisheries management on the conservation status of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in north-east Scotland. Animal Conservation, 10: 48-56.
Baker, J.D. & Thompson, P.M. (2006) Temporal and spatial variation in age-specific survival rates of a long-lived mammal, the Hawaiian monk seal. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B., 274: 407-415.
Butler, J.R.A., Middlemas, S.J., Graham, I.M., Thompson, P.M. & Armstrong, J.D (2006) Modelling the impacts of removing seal predation from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, rivers in Scotland: a tool for targeting conflict resolution. Fisheries Management & Ecology, 13: 285-291.
Williams, R. & Lusseau, D. (2006) A Killer whale social network is vulnerable to targeted removals. Biology Letters, 2: 497-500.
Williams, R., Lusseau, D. & Hammond, P.S. (2006) Estimating relative energetic costs of human disturbance to killer whales (Orcinus orca). Biological Conservation, 133: 301-311.
Ferrer i Cancho, R. & Lusseau, D. (2006) Long-term correlations in the surface behaviour of dolphins. Europhysics Letters 74: 1095-1101.
Baker, J.D., Harting, A.L. & Johanos, T.C. (2006) Use of discovery curves to assess abundance of Hawaiian Monk Seals. Marine Mammal Science, 22: 847-861.
Baker, J.D., Littnan, C.L. & Johnston, D.W. (2006) Potential effects of sea-level rise on the terrestrial habitats of endangered and endemic megafauna in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Endangered Species Research, 4: 1-10.
Parsons, K.M., Durban, J.W, Claridge, D.E., Herzing, D.L, Balcomb, K.C. & Noble, L.R. (2006) Population genetic structure of coastal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the northern Bahamas. Marine Mammal Science, 22(2): 276-298.
Hastie, G.D., Wilson, B. & Thompson, P.M. (2006) Diving deep in a foraging hotspot: acoustic insights into bottlenose dolphin dive depths and feeding behaviour. Marine Biology, 148: 1181-1188.
Thompson, P.M. (2006) Identifying drivers of change; did fisheries play a role in the spread of North Atlantic fulmars? In: “Management of marine ecosystems: monitoring change in upper trophic levels”. Cambridge University Press.
Härkönen, T., Dietz, R., Reijnders, P., Teilmann, J., Harding, K., Hall, A., Brasseur, S., Siebert, U., Goodman, S.J., Jepson, P.D., Dau Rasmussen, T. & Thompson, P.M. (2006) A review of the 1988 and 2002 phocine distemper virus epidemics in European Harbour Seals. Diseases in Aquatic Organisms, 68: 115-130.
Bailey, H. & Thompson, P.M. (2006) Quantitative analysis of bottlenose dolphin movement patterns and their relationship with foraging. Journal of Animal Ecology, 75: 456-465.
Lusseau, D., Wilson, B., Hammond, P.S., Grellier, K., Durban, J.W., Parsons, K.M., Barton, T.R. & Thompson, P.M. (2005) Quantifying the influence of sociality on population structure in bottlenose dolphins. Journal of Animal Ecology, 75: 14-24.
Middlemas, S., Barton, T., Armstrong, J. & Thompson, P.M. (2005) Functional and aggregative responses of harbour seal changes in salmonid abundance. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B., 273: 193-198.
Dawson, S.M. & Lusseau, D. (2005) Pseudoreplication problems in studies of dolphin and porpoise reactions to pingers. Marine Mammal Science, 21: 175-176 .
Durban, J.W. & Elston, D.A. (2005) Mark-recapture with occasion and individual effects: abundance estimation through Bayesian model selection in a fixed dimensional parameter space. Journal of Agricultural, Biological & Environmental Statistics 10(3): 291-305.
Harris, M.P., Anker-Nilssen, T., McCleery, R.H., Erikstad, K.E., Shaw, D.N. & Grosbois, V. (2005) Effect of wintering area and climate on the survival of adult Atlantic puffins, Fratercula arctica, in the eastern Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 297: 283-296.
Hastie, G.D., Swift, R.J., Slesser, G., Thompson, P.M. & Turrell, W.R. (2005) Environmental models for predicting oceanic dolphin habitat in the Northeast Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 62: 760-770.
Parsons, K.M., Piertney, S.B., Middlemas, S.J., Hammond, P.S. & Armstrong, J.D. (2005) DNA-based identification of salmonid prey species in seal faeces. Journal of Zoology, 266: 275-281.
Grosbois, V. & Thompson, P.M. (2005) North Atlantic climate variation influences survival in adult fulmars. Oikos, 109: 273-290.
Durban, J.W., Elston, D.A., Ellifrit, D.K., Dickson, E., Hammond, P.S. & Thompson, P.M. (2005) Multisite mark-recapture for cetaceans: population estimates with Bayesian model averaging. Marine Mammal Science, 21(1): 80-92.
Lusseau, D. (2004) The energetic cost of path sinuosity related to road density in the wolf community of Jasper National Park. Ecology and Society, 9(2): Resp1 .
Durant, J.M., Stenseth, N.C., Anker-Nilssen, T., Harris, M.P., Thompson, P. & Wanless, S. (2004) Marine birds and climate fluctuation in the North Atlantic. In: Stenseth, N.C., Ottersen, G., Hurrell, J.W. & Belgrano, A. (Eds). Marine Ecosystems and Climate Variation: The North Atlantic, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Pp. 95-105.
Lusseau, D. & Newman, M.E.J. (2004) Identifying the role that animals play in their social networks. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B., 271: S477 - S481.
Foster, G., Holmes, B., Steigerwalt, A.G., Lawson, P.A., Thorne, P., Byrer, D.E., Ross, H.M., Xerry, J., Thompson, P.M. & Collins, M.D. (2004) Campylobacter insulaenigrae sp. nov., isolated from marine mammals. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 54: 2369-2373.
Wilson, B., Reid, R.J., Grellier, K., Thompson, P.M. & Hammond, P.S. (2004) Considering the temporal when managing the spatial: a population range expansion impacts protected areas-based management for bottlenose dolphins. Animal Conservation, 7: 331-338.
Lusseau, D., Williams, R., Wilson, B., Grellier, K., Barton, T., Hammond, P.S. & Thompson, P.M. (2004) Parallel influence of climate on the behaviour of Pacific killer whales and Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. Ecology Letters, 7: 1068-1076.
Bailey, H. & Lusseau, D. (2004) Increasing the precision of theodolite tracking: modified technique to calculate the altitude of land-based observation sites. Marine Mammal Science, 20(4): 880-885.
Baker, J.D. (2004) Evaluation of closed capture-recapture methods to estimate abundance of Hawaiian monk seals. Ecological Applications, 14(4): 987-998.
Hastie, G.D., Wilson, B., Wilson, L.J., Parsons, K.M. & Thompson, P.M. (2004) Functional mechanisms underlying cetacean distribution patterns: hotspots for bottlenose dolphins are linked to foraging. Marine Biology, 144: 397-403.
Thompson, P.M., White, S. & Dickson, E. (2004) Co-variation in the probabilities of sighting harbour porpoises and bottlenose dolphins. Marine Mammal Science, 20(2): 322-328.
Hastie, G.D., Barton, T.R., Swift, R.J., Grellier, K., Hammond, P.S., Thompson, P.M. & Wilson, B. (2003) Distribution of small cetaceans within a candidate Special Area of Conservation; implications for management. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 5(3): 261-266.
Hastie, G.D., Swift, R.J., Gordon, J.C.D., Slesser, G. & Turrell, W.R. (2003). Sperm whale distribution and seasonal density in the Faroe Shetland Channel. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 5(3): 247-252.
Gordon, J.C.D., Gillespie, D., Potter, J., Frantzis, A., Simmonds, M.P. & Swift, R. (2003) The effects of seismic surveys on marine mammals. Marine Technology Society Journal, 37: 16-34.
Parsons, K.M., Durban, J.W. & Claridge, D.E. (2003) Male-male aggression renders bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) unconscious. Aquatic Mammals, 29(3): 360-362.
Grellier, K. & Wilson, B. (2003). Bottlenose dolphins using the Sound of Barra, Scotland. Aquatic Mammals, 29(3): 378-382.
Michel,P., Ollason, J.C., Grosbois, V. & Thompson, P.M. (2003) The influence of body size, breeding experience and environmental variability on egg size in the Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis). Journal of Zoology, 261: 427-432.
Michel, P. & Thompson. P.M. (2003) A simple photogrammetric technique for estimating egg volume from field measurements. Atlantic Seabird, 5(1): 31-34.
Middlemas, S.J., Thompson, P.M. & Armstrong, J.D. (2003) The significance of marine mammal predation on salmon and sea trout. In Mills, D. (Ed) Salmon at the Edge. Blackwell Science.
Grellier, K., Hammond, P.S., Wilson, B., Sanders-Reed, C.A. & Thompson, P.M. (2003). Use of photo-identification data to quantify mother-calf association patterns in bottlenose dolphins. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 81: 1421-1427.
Parsons, K.M., Durban, J.W., Claridge, D.E., Balcomb, K.C., Noble, L.R. & Thompson, P.M. (2003) Kinship as a basis for alliance formation between male bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Bahamas. Animal Behaviour, 66: 185-194.
Van Parijs, S.M., Corkeron, P.J., Harvey, J., Hayes, S., Mellinger, D., Rouget, P., Thompson, P.M., Wahlberg, M. & Kovacs, K.M. (2003) Patterns in vocalizations of male harbor seals. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 113(6): 3403-3410.
Hastie, G.D., Wilson, B. & Thompson, P.M. (2003) Fine-scale habitat selection by coastal bottlenose dolphins: application of a new land-based video-montage technique. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 81: 469-478.
Hastie, G.D., Wilson, B., Tufft, L.H. & Thompson, P.M. (2003) Bottlenose dolphins increase breathing synchrony in response to boat traffic. Marine Mammal Science, 19(1): 74-84.
Parsons, K.M., Durban, J.W., Claridge, D.E. (2003) Comparing two alternative methods for sampling small cetaceans for molecular analysis. Marine Mammal Science, 19(1): 224-231.
Thompson, P.M., Thompson, H. & Hall, A.J. (2002) Prevalence of morbillivirus antibodies in Scottish harbour seals. Veterinary Record, 151: 609-610.
Mendes, S., Turrell, W., Lutkebohle, T. & Thompson, P.M. (2002) The influence of the tidal cycle and a tidal intrusion front on the spatio-temporal distribution of coastal bottlenose dolphin. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 239: 221-229.
Parsons, K.M., Noble, L.R., Reid, R.J. & Thompson, P.M. (2002) Mitochondrial genetic diversity and population structuring of UK bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): is the NE Scotland population demographically and geographically isolated? Biological Conservation, 108: 175-182.
Middlemas, S.J. & Armstrong, J.D. (2002) Reconstructing the lengths of juvenile Atlantic salmon from atlas bones: estimating the parr to smolt ratio from regression analyses revisited. Journal of Fish Biology, 60: 134-138.
Thompson, P.M. & Grosbois, V. (2002) Effects of climate variation on seabird population dynamics. Directions in Science, 1: 50-52.
Thompson, P.M. & Ollason, J.C. (2001) Lagged effects of ocean climate change on fulmar population dynamics. Nature, 413: 417-420.
Parsons, K.M. (2001) Reliable microsatellite genotyping of dolphin DNA from faeces. Molecular Ecology Notes, 1: 341-344.
Thompson, P.M., Van Parijs, S. & Kovacs, K.M. (2001) Local declines in the abundance of harbour seals: implications for the designation and monitoring of protected areas. Journal of Applied Ecology, 38: 117-125.
Denardo, C., Dougherty, M., Hastie, G., Leaper, R., Wilson, B., & Thompson, P.M. (2001) A new technique to measure spatial relationships within groups of free-ranging coastal cetaceans. Journal of Applied Ecology, 38: 888-895.
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2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1990 -1995
Van Parijs, S.M., Janik V.M. & Thompson, P.M. (2000) Display-area size, tenure length, and site fidelity in the aquatically mating male harbour seal, Phoca vitulina. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 78: 2209 - 2217.
Wilson, B., Grellier, K., Hammond, P.S., Brown, G. & Thompson, P.M. (2000) Changing occurrence of epidermal lesions in wild bottlenose dolphins. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 205: 283-290.
Durban, J.W., Elston, D.A., Lambin, X. & Thompson, P.M. (2000) A role for Bayesian inference in cetacean population assessment. Journal of Cetacean Research & Management, 2(2): 117-123.
Janik, V.M. (2000) Source levels and the estimated active space of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) whistles in the Moray Firth, Scotland. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 186: 673-680.
Janik, V.M. (2000) Food-related bray calls in wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B., 267: 923-927.
Janik, V.M. (2000) Whistle matching in wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Science, 289: 1355-1357.
Thompson, P.M., Wilson, B., Grellier, K. & Hammond, P.S. (2000) Combining power analysis and population viability analysis to compare traditional and precautionary approaches to the conservation of coastal cetaceans. Conservation Biology, 14(5): 1253-1263.
Van Parijs, S.M., Hastie, G.D. & Thompson, P.M. (2000) Individual and geographical variation in display behaviour of male harbour seals in Scotland. Animal Behaviour, 59: 559-568.
Janik, V.M., Van Parijs, S. & Thompson, P.M. (2000) A two-dimensional acoustic localization system for marine mammals. Marine Mammal Science, 16(2): 437-447.
Van Parijs, S.M., Hastie, G.D., Bartels, B.A. & Thompson, P.M. (2000) A design for a two-dimensional boat-bound hydrophone array for studying harbor seals, Phoca vitulina. Marine Mammal Science, 16(2): 481-488.
Van Parijs, S.M., Hastie, G.D. & Thompson, P.M. (1999) Geographical variation in temporal and spatial vocalization patterns of male harbour seals in the mating season. Animal Behaviour, 58: 1231-1239.
Parsons, K.M., Dallas, J.F., Claridge, D.E., Durban, J.W., Balcomb, K.C., Thompson, P.M. & Noble, L.R. (1999) Amplifying dolphin mitochondrial DNA from faecal plumes. Molecular Ecology, 8: 1753-1768.
Thompson, P.M. & Mackay, F. (1999) Pattern and prevalence of predator damage on adult salmon, Salmo salar L., returning to a river system in north-east Scotland. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 6: 335-343.
Wilson, B., Arnold, H., Bearzi, G., Fortuna, C.M., Gaspar, R., Ingram, S., Liret, C., Pribanic, S., Read, A.J., Ridoux, V., Schneider, K., Urian, K.W., Wells, R.S., Wood, C., Thompson, P.M. & Hammond, P.S. (1999) Epidermal diseases in bottlenose dolphins: impacts of natural and anthropogenic factors. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B., 266: 1077-1083.
Wilson, B., Hammond, P.S. & Thompson, P.M. (1999) Estimating size and assessing trends in a coastal bottlenose dolphin population. Ecological Applications, 9(1): 288-300.
Thompson, P.M., Mackay, A., Tollit, D.J., Enderby, S. & Hammond, P.S. (1998) The influence of body size and sex on the characteristics of harbour seal foraging trips. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 76: 1044-1057.
Thompson, P.M., Corpe, H.M. & Reid, R.J. (1998) Prevalence and intensity of the ectoparasite Echinophthirius horridus on harbour seals (Phoca vitulina): effects of host age and inter-annual variability in host food availability. Parasitology, 117: 393-403.
Patterson, I.A.P., Reid, R.J., Wilson, B., Grellier, K., Ross, H.M. & Thompson, P.M. (1998) Evidence for infanticide in bottlenose dolphins; an explanation for violent interactions with harbour porpoises? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B., 265: 1167-1170.
Tollit, D.J., Black, A.D., Thompson, P.M., Mackay, A., Corpe, H.M., Wilson, B., Van Parijs, S.M., Grellier, K. & Parlane, S. (1998) Variations in harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, diet and dive-depths in relation to foraging habitat. Journal of Zoology, London, 244: 209-222.
Van Parijs, S.M., Thompson, P.M., Hastie, G.D. & Bartels, B.A. (1998) Modification and deployment of a sonobouy for recording underwater vocalisations from marine mammals. Marine Mammal Science, 14(2): 310-316.
Corpe, H.M., Thompson, P.M. & Porter, L.J. (1998) A rapid non-invasive technique for distinguishing harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in their first year from older age classes. Marine Mammal Science, 14(2): 372-379.
Tollit, D.J., Greenstreet, S.P.R. & Thompson, P.M. (1997) Prey selection by harbour seals, Phoca vitulina, in relation to variations in prey abundance. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 75: 1508-1518
Thompson, P.M., Tollit, D.J., Corpe, H.M., Reid, R.J. & Ross, H.M. (1997) Changes in haematological parameters in relation to prey switching in a wild population of harbour seals. Functional Ecology, 11: 743-750.
Wilson, B., Thompson, P.M. & Hammond, P.S. (1997) Habitat use by bottlenose dolphins: seasonal distribution and stratified movement patterns in the Moray Firth, Scotland. Journal of Applied Ecology, 34: 1365-1374.
Wilson, B., Thompson, P.M. & Hammond, P.S. (1997) Skin lesions and physical deformities in bottlenose dolphins in the Moray Firth: Population prevalence and age-sex differences. Ambio, 26(4): 243-247.
Van Parijs, S.M., Thompson, P.M., Tollit, D.J. & Mackay, A. (1997) Distribution and activity of male harbour seals during the mating season. Animal Behaviour, 54: 35-43
Thompson, P.M. & Goodman, S. (1997) Direct and indirect estimates of dispersal distances. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 12(5): 195-196.
Tollit, D.J., Steward, M., Thompson, P.M., Pierce, G.J., Santos, M.B. & Hughes, S. (1997) Species and size differences in the digestion of otoliths and beaks: implications for estimates of pinniped diet composition. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 54: 105-119.
Reed, J.Z., Tollit, D.J., Thompson, P.M. & Amos, W. (1997) Molecular scatology: the use of molecular genetic analysis to assign species, sex and individual identity to seal faeces. Molecular Ecology, 6: 225-234.
Thompson, P.M., Tollit, D.J., Wood, D., Corpe, H.M., Hammond, P.S. & Mackay, A. (1997) Estimating harbour seal abundance and status in an estuarine habitat in north-east Scotland. Journal of Applied Ecology, 34: 43-52.
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