To launch the International Year of Soils - 2015, schools from across Aberdeen City will be taking part in a tree planting initiative.
Next year is the International Year of Soils and a series of exciting events are planned as part of the global celebrations. The University of Aberdeen and the James Hutton Institute are important contributors to soils research and are delighted to be taking part in these initiatives.
To launch the International Year of Soils 2015, soil scientists from the British Society of Soil Science will be planting trees in various strategic locations throughout the UK on World Soils Day (5th December). As part of this initiative Aberdeen Biodiversity Centre is helping to organise tree planting at primary and secondary schools throughout Aberdeen City.
We were delighted by the uptake from both primary and secondary schools right across Aberdeen City; further information will shortly be sent to those schools who have registered for this project.
*Please note registration for this event has now closed*