Page 1 of 8Results 1 to 10 of 80, 14 June 2016 - 12 May 2022
Fascination of Plants Day!
Explore the wonder of plants with a series of events all week!
Preparations for re-opening!
As covid restrictoins start to ease, we are starting to explore the possibilty of reopening the centre.
ABC remains closed to the public
Due to the ongoing restrictions on gatherings in indoor spaces, the Aberdeen Biodiversity Centre will remain closed until the New Year.
CPD courses available before Christmas.
We are delighted to be offering two CPD courses in the Autumn and winter terms.
Class Workshops Available This Term
Bring your class to a curriculum linked workshop, led by Aberdeen Biodiversity Centre staff members, for a fun and engaging class trip.
Funding success for Aberdeen Biodiversity Centre
Aberdeen Biodiversity Centre are delighted to announce that we have been awarded a grant from the Mains of Loirston Charitable Trust, which was set up to facilitate the education of school children attending Scottish schools in agricultural practices and farming. The funding will be used to develop and deliver two...
Centre closed 10th - 14th April
Please note that the centre will be closed from the 10th - 14th April. The Zoology Museum and Cruickshank Botanic Gardens will be open during this period however and normal opening times will apply.
October holidays - family fun sessions
Read on to find out more about our family fun sessions running during the October holidays....
Outdoor Learning in Cruickshank Botanic Gardens this Summer!
During the Summer holidays this year, Aberdeen Biodiversity Centre will be leading a variety of fun outdoor activities for children in the Cruickshank Botanic Gardens, designed to get them to use their senses to learn more about the natural world around them, and have fun at the same time! Please...
Poster Competition Winners announced!
Congratulations to Pitmedden Primary School and Culloden Academy!