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Where you fish matters: an application of the MerMADE software on sandeels in the North Sea
For our next informal seminar, Dr Rebekka Allgayer will be giving an informal seminar on: "Where you fish matters: an application of the MerMADE software on sandeels Ammodytes marinus in the North Sea" this Friday (2nd June) at 1 pm in Cruickshank G27.
Rebekka’s talk will be introducing you to the MerMADE modelling platform--an individual-based, coupled biophysical model for predicting movement and dispersal in aquatic environments—and presenting a case study on the North Sea sandeel fishery. Using population dynamics and connectivity metrics calculated from dispersal success, we can identify patches that are vulnerable to near-extinction level disturbance caused by fisheries and predict what repercussions that might have on the stock assessment area as a whole. It turns out that where you fish does matter!
We look forward to seeing you there in person or online!
- Speaker
- Dr Rebekka Allgayer
- Venue
- OA-Cruickshank-G27
- Contact
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