Genomics of Adaptive Divergence in Northern Europe's Atlantic Salmon

Genomics of Adaptive Divergence in Northern Europe's Atlantic Salmon

This is a past event

Victoria Pritchard. Senior Researcher, Rivers and Lochs Institute, University of the Highlands and Islands

Panopto Recording

"I am an evolutionary biologist whose research examines genomic, morphological and behavioral divergence amongst populations, and the consequences of hybridization between those populations. My work provides direct insights into how the diversity of life arises. It also has practical applications to managing populations of conservation or economic concern.

As a Senior Researcher at the Rivers and Lochs Institute, located on the Inverness College campus of the University of the Highlands and Islands, I lead research into northern Europe's aquatic natural resources. Currently, my work focuses on using genomic tools to guide the management of ecologically important threatened taxa, including salmonid fishes."

Victoria Pritchard Website

Victoria Pritchard
Hosted by
Kara Layton