Integrating ecology to understand Rhizobia inoculants

Integrating ecology to understand Rhizobia inoculants

This is a past event

Ellie Harrison. NERC Independent Research Fellow, Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield

Panopto Recording


Profile Independent P3 Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield, UK (2017‒present)ERC Postdoctoral Research Assistant on the ‘Coevolution of bacteria and conjugative plasmids’ at the University of York, UK (2012–2017)NERC Postdoctoral Research Assistant on ‘Host-symbiont coevolution: exploring the parasitism-mutualism continuum’ in the Institute for Integrative Biology at the University of Liverpool, UK (2010–2012)PhD ‘Evolution of a Selfish Genetic Element: The 2 Micron Plasmid of Saccharomyces spp.’ at the NERC Centre for Population Biology at Imperial College, London, UK (2006–2010)

Ellie Harrison
Hosted by
Tom Vogwill