This is a past event
Francis Neat and Michel Kaiser will be the next speaker in the SBS research seminar series.
Michel Kaiser (Chief Science and Standards Officer, MSC): The Marine Stewardship Council’s Standard for sustainable fisheries.
Francis Neat (Head of Strategic Research, MSC): The Marine Stewardship Council’s programme of research, monitoring and evaluation.
The MSC is an international non-profit organisation, that recognises and rewards efforts to protect our oceans and safeguard seafood supplies for the future. No doubt you will have seen their little blue fish label, which denotes sustainable fish products in supermarkets, fishmongers and fish and chip shops
At 16:00, on Thursday 24 January, there will be two 25 minute talks on the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC):
- Professor Michel Kaiser is the Chief Science and Standards Officer at the MSC. He will give a talk entitled “The Marine Stewardship Council’s Standard for sustainable fisheries.”
- Dr Francis Neat is the Head of Strategic Research at the MSC. He will follow up with his talk: “The Marine Stewardship Council’s programme of research, monitoring and evaluation.”
Both of these scientists have a distinguished track record in marine science. Prof Kaiser was at Bangor University for almost 20 years, whilst Dr Neat was here in Aberdeen, at Marine Scotland Science.
- Speaker
- Francis Neat and Michel Kaiser
- Hosted by
- Paul Fernandes
- Venue
- Zoology Building
- Contact
No booking required - all welcome.