Diet and Health Inequalities (DIO Food)

Related Project

Food Insecurity in people living with Obesity (FIO Food)

Diet and Health Inequalities (DIO Food)

DIO Food - Diet and Health Inequalities project logoThe goal of the DIO Food project is to identify how we can provide timely evidence-based research and commentary from those facing diet and health inequalities. The main focus of the project is working with vulnerable groups (early years and people with low income) to tackle the cost of living crisis to give timely policy directives.

About the project

Grant outline

Current work is an add-on research activity to the FIO Food Project, with a further three WPs (5-7) under the remit of the DIO-Food (Diet and Health Inequalities) project:

  • WP5 - Early Years, UK Infant food insecurity;
  • WP6 - review of High Fat, Sugar and Salt (HFSS) policy on retail purchase patterns;
  • WP 7 - Knowledge Mobilisation.

Work Packages