Taste of Plants Project

Taste of Plants Project

Taste of Plants Project

This project consists of a novel format knowledge exchange event aimed to communicate SEFARI (Scottish Environment, Food and Agriculture Research Institutes) research to key stakeholders.

SEFARI research explores ways how Scotland could be more economically and environmentally sustainable and help reduce its dependence on imported foods and ingredients and the potential to use our land in different ways. One aspect of this work investigates crops which present a high protein content and have historically been grown in Scotland or currently grown elsewhere in similar climates and could be introduced to Scotland. Among potential candidates are the green pea, fava bean, hemp and buckwheat. These crops offer an alternative to importing protein rich crops such as soya bean, and they could contribute to enhancing the diversity, and hence the economic stability, of local agricultural production. They are a source of quality nutrients like protein and dietary fibre, and of other biologically active compounds generally known as phytochemicals.

The purpose of this project is to increase the visibility and translate the contributions Scottish Government's strategic research makes towards food diversification, sustainable growth of the circular economy, healthy ecosystems and nourished people in Scotland This project utilises food as a means of science communication, with a particular focus to raise awareness of a number of issues with regard to food and food supply chain, environment, nutrition and socio-economics.

If you'd like more ideas for tasty, sustainable plant-based meals, view our Taste of Plants recipe book.

Thanks to the following organisations for their contribution in making this video: SEFARI, Rowett Institute, SRUC, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, University of Aberdeen and Circa Media.

During the Taste of Plants event attendees shared their immediate thoughts and experiences which is shown below.