Protein for Life - Supporting healthy ageing in partnership with the food sector
Today we are living longer than ever before, and healthy ageing is an important concern. However, many individuals do not consume adequate protein and can experience a decline of muscle mass and strength. This can have a major impact on the quality of life. Protein for Life was a collaborative project which aimed to advance research in this important area and inspire the development of technology, particularly within the food industry.
The UK ageing population does not currently consume enough protein . The team therefore suggest that communication of up to date dietary advice on protein intake is important. Three areas were identified by the collaboration: “Innovate” to support the food sector; “Educate” the ageing population about the importance of protein in the diet; and “Regulate” guidance on the recommended intake of protein. These key areas inform a report published by the consortium.
The project is now complete, but the protein for life team continue to actively seek new collaborations to develop these findings.
Would you like to read more? Our full case study was originally posted here
This research was conducted by Professor Alexandra Johnstone , and project collaborators.
Research funded by the Scottish Government as part of the Strategic Research Programme and the MRC.