A healthy breakfast is often considered to be the most important meal of the day and most work has focussed on the negative impacts of skipping breakfast. Studies have shown the inverse relationship between breakfast consumption and weight gain. We know that what we eat may affect our risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and obesity. Yet recent Rowett research shows that when we eat may be just as important for health. The research looking at the way that time of eating can affect health is known as chrono-nutrition.
Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast can positively impact food choices throughout the day. However, skipping breakfast to reduce calorie intake often results in reaching for an unhealthy snack, which over time could lead to weight gain. Wholegrains from bread and cereals play an important role in a healthy breakfast as they are a source of dietary fibre. Breakfasts that include high protein levels are also important as they will keep you fuller for longer and can prevent unhealthy snacking later in the day.
However, it is true that one diet message doesn't work for all; some will be able to control body weight better with a big breakfast and some with a large evening meal. This highlights the need for further chrono-nutrition research to be able to offer more accurate dietary advice about mealtimes.
Would you like to read more? Our full blog was originally post here
This research was conducted by Professor Alexandra Johnstone .
Research funded by the Scottish Government as part of the Strategic Research Programme and the MRC.