Page 4 of 2031 to 40 of 192 Past Events
Rowett Seminar
-Talk by Dr Ayham Alnabulsi from EpitogenX
Rowett Seminar
-Talk by the Director of the Food Security Unit (Scottish Government)
Doors Open Day at The Rowett Institute
-The Rowett Institute is taking part in Doors Open Day 2023
Rowett Seminar
-Dr Hamdan Bin Mohammad of the Ministry of Health in Malaysia
Rowett Seminar
-Liya Mathew from Queen Mary University of London
Rowett Seminar
-The physiological impact of extra virgin olive oil intake in metabolic diseases
ASO Scotland Webinar: Whole systems approach to obesity management
-For the ASO Scotland Network Webinar we have a range of speakers presenting about whole systems approach to obesity management. This will be in the format of short presentations followed by a Q&A/discussion amongst attendees. We would like to embrace the new way of networking with this online Zoom event.
Rowett Seminar
-Prof. Sumantra (Shumone) Ray giving a seminar entitled "NNEdPro Global Institute and the Mobile Teaching Kitchen International Initiative: Envisioning a future of nutrition and health equity."