Rowett Institute Staff Seminar

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Rowett Institute Staff Seminar

This is a past event

Memory And Obesity

I completed my undergraduate degree in experimental psychology in Cambridge and went on to study an MRC-funded PhD in comparative cognition, with an emphasis on the evolution and development of episodic memory and causal reasoning. I extended my interest in episodic memory to investigate the impact of lifestyle and obesity on memory during my Sarah Woodhead Junior Research Fellowship at Girton College, Cambridge. I was appointed as a University Lecturer in the Psychology department in October 2015 to continue my work on the interrelationship between memory and obesity.

Dr Lucy Cheke, University of Cambridge
Hosted by
Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health
Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health

Dr Nigel Hoggard
Tel: 01224 438655

This is a technical seminar aimed at professional scientists. If you are not a University of Aberdeen staff member and would like to attend, please contact us.