Rowett Institute Staff Seminar

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Rowett Institute Staff Seminar

This is a past event

Understanding pancreatic beta cell identity: from genome-wide association to intercellular connectivity

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) presently affects ~1:12 of the adult population and usually involves defective insulin secretion alongside insulin resistance. I will discuss our work seeking to understand how genetic variants in man impact T2D risk and beta cell function using a variety of genetic tools,  alongside in vitro and in vivo imaging techniques including optogenetics and photopharmacology. pdf

Guy A. Rutter, Professor and Head of Section
Hosted by
Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health
Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health

Dr Nigel Hoggard
Tel: 01224 438655

This is a technical seminar aimed at professional scientists. If you are not a University of Aberdeen staff member and would like to attend, please contact us.