

Over 100 Years of Science

In 2013 the Rowett Institute celebrated its centenary. The Institute played a major role in establishing the link between diet and health in the first half of the 20th Century, and it continues to work on major diet-related health and food security problems at present.

It is true to say that a significant amount of the work that led to the modern science of nutrition as we know it today was carried out at the Rowett, both as far as human and animal nutrition are concerned. The Institute has shown itself to be a flexible and innovative organisation, responding to the changing times throughout its long and distinguished history.

More information on Rowett research through the decades can be found in this timeline . Achievements range from the UK's first major study of family diet and health, to the development of a feeding system for cattle and the mapping of where an obesity hormone acts on the brain.

Videos reflecting the views of Rowett staff, past and present.