Phase 2 (2005-10) Staff

Director, Phase 2

Professor Cairns Craig FBA, FRSE
Glucksman Professor of Irish and Scottish Studies
Project Staff
Project A: The role of Jacobitism in the development of Scotland's commercial and imperial links from 1680-1830
- Professor Allan Macinnes
- Dr Jeffrey Stephen
Project B:The impact on the United States and the countries of the British Empire of intellectual migration from Scotland and Ireland in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
- Professor Cairns Craig
- Dr Michael Brown
- Dr Rosalyn Trigger
Project C: The development of representations of dialect in the novel in Ireland and Scotland in the nineteenth century
- Professor David Hewitt
- Dr Barbara Fennell
- Dr Stephen Dornan
Project D: 20th Century Irish and Scottish poetry
Project E: Irish and Scottish diasporas from the 1600s to the present
- Dr Michael Brown
- Dr Rosalyn Trigger