The Fifteenth Century Conference 2014

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The Fifteenth Century Conference 2014

This is a past event

St Jerome lances the lion's paw


The Fifteenth Century Conference is an annual symposium for historians of the late medieval British Isles, which has run since 1970. In 2014 it will be hosted at the University of Aberdeen. The Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies and the Centre for Early Modern Studies are supporting the event and each will be marked with a signature panel of speakers. The keynote speaker will be Professor Christine Carpenter (University of Cambridge). Generous support from the Principal, and from the Lord Provost of Aberdeen, will provide the conference gala dinner and a Civic Reception for delegates. There will be visits to the University's Special Collections Centre, and to the King's College Chapel.


Travelling to Aberdeen: Aberdeen is unusually well-served for travel as a hub of the oil industry. There are regular direct flights to Aberdeen from most UK cities (British Airways, Virgin, Easy Jet, Flybe, Eastern Airways, BMI Regional) and from Frankfurt, Paris and Amsterdam (Lufthansa, Air France, KLM). There is also a very frequent rail and bus service from England, including overnight sleeper options from London. A taxi from the airport to Old Aberdeen, where the University is located, takes 15 minutes and costs around £12; from the train/bus stations there are buses or a taxi that take 15 minutes and cost around £8. For further details, please see these Essential Links on the home page, and this link to general information about Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, and Scotland.  


Booking information: online store 

Contact: Jackson Armstrong, Department of History,




Thursday 4th September – Cowdray Hall, Schoolhill


14.00 – 14.15 Welcome


14.15 – 16.15 Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies signature panel:

Elizabeth Matthew (Reading), ‘Scots at Piltown? The Irish 'extension' of the Wars of the Roses in 1462 reassessed’

Michael Brown (St Andrews), ‘Munster and the Northland: The Place of Regional Societies in late medieval Ireland and Scotland’

Steve Boardman (Edinburgh), ‘The view from the North: Medieval Scottish accounts of Anglo-Welsh and Anglo-Irish relations’


16.15 – 16.30 Break


16.30 – 18.30 Plenary session:

Sheila Sweetinburgh (Huddersfield), ‘Shepsters, hucksters and other business women: economic prospects in fifteenth-century Canterbury’

Dean Rowland (IHR), ‘Better not to shoot the messenger: using urban archives to reconstruct the use of proclamations by the crown in fifteenth-century England’

Derek Crosby (Queen's University Belfast), ‘Merrymaking and Identity in Norwich: The Gladman procession 1443’


18.30 – 19.30 Civic Reception



Friday 5th September – Old Aberdeen Campus: Library and Linklater 

9.15 – 11.00

Session one (Library):

Aleksandr Lobanov (Southampton), ‘Anglo-Burgundian military cooperation after 1431: crisis and decline?’

Michael Hicks (Winchester), ‘Bastard Feudalism and Warfare in the Proofs of Age’

Alastair Macdonald (Aberdeen), ‘Fighting Talk: Exhortation in War in Late Medieval Scotland’


Session two (Linklater):

Brian Coleman (TCD), ‘An English gentry abroad: the case of Ireland’

Edda Frankot (Aberdeen), ‘Popular and official perceptions of crime: Social control, denunciation and punishment in late medieval Kampen’

Audrey Thorstad (Leeds), ‘ "Every mans...home, being the theatre of his hospitality": Early Tudor Castles as the Nobleman's Stage’


11.00 – 11.30 Tea Break


11.30 – 13.15

Session one (Library):

Gordon McKelvie (Winchester), ‘Illegal Livery in the Fifteenth Century: The Identity of the Indicted’

Chris Given-Wilson (St Andrews), ‘Conquest, Treason and Corruption of the Blood in early fifteenth century England’

Alison McHardy (Nottingham), ‘Edward IV and the Old Retainers’


Session two (Linklater):

Tom Johnson (Birkbeck), ‘Forest administration: a model of fifteenth-century governmentality?’

Claire Hawes (St Andrews), ‘Legitimacy, Consent and the Public Sphere in Scotland’

Katherine Basanti (Aberdeen), ‘ “Knighthood of the North”: Scottish Crusade Warrior Commemoration in Walter Bower's Scotichronicon: 1441–1445’


13.15 – 14.15 Luncheon break, followed by tours/visits, tea


16.15 – 18.00

Session one (Library):

Tony Moore (Reading), ‘England and the Foreign Exchange Market’

Alex Brayson (York), ‘The Crown and the Economy in Late Lancastrian England’

Lawrence Duggan (Delaware), ‘Ecclesiastical Moneylending in Late Medieval Germany and England’


Session two (Linklater):

Hannes Kleineke (History of Parliament), ‘The Clergy in Parliament in the Yorkist period’

Sarah Thomas (Hull), ‘Becoming a Bishop in the late Middle Ages’

Euan Roger (Royal Holloway and Bedford New College), ‘Grand Designs and Modest Means: The Poor Knights of Windsor in the Late Fifteenth Century’


18.00 – 19.30 Break


19.30 – 20.30 Copthorne Hotel, Huntly Street

Keynote lecture:

Christine Carpenter (Cambridge), ‘Bastard Feudalism in Fourteenth-Century Warwickshire’

20.30 – 23.30 Conference Dinner







Saturday 6th September – Old Aberdeen Campus: Library 

9.15 – 11.00

Plenary session (Library):

Athol Murray (Retired Keeper of the Records of Scotland), ‘The Scottish Exchequer in the Fifteenth Century’

Simon Egan (University College Cork), ‘ 'havyng in their mynd the grete conquest that Bruse som tyme sen to the Kyng of Scottes made in the same land': the royal Stewart interest in fifteenth-century Ireland’

William Hepburn (Glasgow), ‘The people in the room: instruments of resignation as a source for James IV’s chamber’


11.00 – 11.20 Tea Break


11.20 – 12.45 Centre for Early Modern Studies signature panel:

Christine Reinle (Gießen), ‘Non-state noble violence ("feud") in late-medieval England and Germany: A comparison’

Joerg Rogge (Mainz), ‘Violence against kings and their advisors in Fifteenth-Century Scotland’


13.00    Luncheon break & close