Postgraduate Symposium: Literature, Art and Cultural Politics in Ireland and Scotland

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Postgraduate Symposium: Literature, Art and Cultural Politics in Ireland and Scotland

This is a past event

Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies,

University of Aberdeen 20 October 2012



Charlene Small (QUB): 'I came into my own/ Masquerade as a man of property': the function of the Glanmore Cottage in Seamus Heaney's poetry'

Adam Hanna (Aberdeen): Seamus Heaney’s Uncertainty at the Threshold

Faye McDermott (Aberdeen): The Poetry of Michael Longley and Ciaran Carson





Blake Anderson (Aberdeen): Silences in Derek Mahon’s Poetry

Megan Minogue (QUB): 'He's at the crucial age': The Performance of Masculinities in Gary Mitchell's Drama

Emma Grey (Aberdeen): Titanic Narratives





Niall Gillespie (TCD): The Literature of the Orange Order, c. 1795-1815.

Joe Lines (QUB): The British/Irish Picaresque in Tobias Smollett's 'Roderick Random' (1748)

Jennifer Harwood-Smith (TCD): Escaping the Ghetto: The Potential Integration of Science Fiction into the Irish Literary Canon.





Anne Sappington (TCD): The Many Deaths of George Buchanan

Shane Strachan (Aberdeen): ‘Now this is a true story, my man,’ quo the auld wife: Orality and Truth in the Works of Maria Edgeworth, Sir Walter Scott and James Hogg

Victoria Connor (Aberdeen): Our Boys and Dear Daughter: (Re)Constructing the Past in Irish Drama-Documentary


University of Aberdeen