Ferguson After the Essay

In this section
Ferguson After the Essay

This is a past event

Adam Ferguson Workshop


Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies

University of Aberdeen

(Humanity Manse, 19 College Bounds)


Friday and Saturday, 28 February-1 March

For Further Information Contact:

Xandra Bello  r01xb12@abdn.ac.uk


Friday 28 February

2:00—2:30 pm       Welcome and Opening Remarks

Cairns CraigGlucksman Professor of Irish and Scottish Studies, Head of the School of Language & Literature, & Director of the Centre of Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen

Michael BrownSenior Lecturer in Irish and Scottish History and Acting Director, Centre of Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen

2:30—3:30 pm       Opening Keynote Speaker

(Chair: James HarrisReader, Philosophy, University of St. Andrews)

Alexander Broadie, FRSEProfessor, School of Humanities/Sgoil nan Daonnachan, University of Glasgow

“Adam Ferguson on Greece, Rome and the Fragility of Civil Liberties”

3:30—4:00 pm       Tea and Coffee

4:00—5:30 pm       Session 1: Philosophy, Literature and the Science of Man

(Chair: David AllanReader, School of History [Scottish], University of St. Andrews)

Craig Smith—Adam Smith Lecturer in the Scottish Enlightenment, School of Social and Political Science, University of Glasgow

“Adam Ferguson: Moral Science and Moralising”

Xandra Bello—Postgraduate Researcher, Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen

“‘We are happily exempted from ever beholding such horrible examples repeated:’ Chronologies and Historical Distance in Adam Ferguson’s The Progress and the Termination”

5:30 pm                    Wine Reception

7:00 pm                    Dinner

(Those not listed on the programme should contact Xandra Bello r01xb12@abdn.ac.uk if desirous of attending the meal.)


Saturday 1 March

9:30-11:00 am        Session 2: Religion and Pedagogy

(Chair: Alexander Broadie)

Jack Hill—Visiting Fulbright-Scotland Professor (Distinguished Chair) and Research Fellow, Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen

“The Stoic-Calvinist Strand of Ferguson’s Project of Moral Instruction”

Michael Brown

“Politics in the Classroom: Ferguson as a Professor in the Age of Revolution”

11:00-11:30 am     Tea and Coffee

11:30-1:00 pm       Session 3: History and Politics

(Chair: Michael Brown)

Anna Plassart—Junior Research Fellow in Modern History, Christchurch, University of Oxford

“Adam Ferguson on War and Empire, 1789-1815.”

Glen Doris—Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies, Alumnus


1:00-2:00 pm          Lunch

2:00-3:00 pm          Closing Keynote Speaker

(Chair: Jack Hill)

(David AllanReader, School of History [Scottish], University of St. Andrews)

“‘People who live long like me must be content to be last’: Multiple Fergusons beyond the Essay

Hosted by
RIISS, University of Aberdeen
HMG1, Humanity Manse, 19 College Bounds

Xandra Bello  r01xb12@abdn.ac.uk