Irish Writers Series: Vona Groarke

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Irish Writers Series: Vona Groarke

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RIISS and Word Centre Irish Writer Series, presenting Vona Groarke

Friday 6 March. Don't miss the first in our VISITING IRISH WRITERS Series of the year, featuring the multiple prize-winning poet and memoirist Vona Groarke: come along at 11am to Humanity Manse, College Bounds. Groarke has published seven collections of poetry with Gallery Press, from Shale (1994) to Double Negative (2019), as well as the non-fiction prose of Four Sides Full (2016). Her many prizes include the Hennessy Award, the Brendan Behan Memorial Award, and the Michael Hartnett Award. She is a senior lecturer at the University of Manchester, and a member of Aosdánda, the Irish Academy of Arts and Culture.

Free entry & no booking required.

Vona Groarke
Hosted by
Research Institute for Irish-Scottish Studies and WORD Centre for Creative Writing
Humanity Manse, College Bounds