Twenty Years Hence: Ireland, Scotland, and Europe Irish and Scottish Studies and the State of the Nations

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Twenty Years Hence: Ireland, Scotland, and Europe Irish and Scottish Studies and the State of the Nations

This is a past event

Workshop 2
Border Crossings: Irish and Scottish Migrant Communities at Home and Abroad

Friday 27 September 2019

12.30pm – 12.45pm    Registration

12.45pm – 1.00pm      Welcome

Opening Remarks and Formal Welcome: Maria-Daniella Dick, University of Glasgow

 1.00pm – 2.30pm        Session 1: Ten-minute talks + discussion

Jane McCulloch (Consulate of Ireland), ‘The Global Diaspora Initiative’

Alexander McPhee (Scotland House, Ireland), ‘Engaging Scottish Diaspora in Ireland’

Marjory Harper (Chair in History, University of Aberdeen),Diaspora Studies: Past, Present – and Future’

 2.30-3.00pm    Coffee break

 3.00pm – 4.00pm        Session 2: Ten-minute talks + discussion

Scott Spurlock (Senior Lecturer in Scottish Religious Cultures, University of Glasgow), ‘Diaspora or Destination? Interpreting Early Modern Migration through Biblical Narratives’

Bradford Bow (Lecturer in Scottish History, University of Aberdeen) ‘Scottish Philosophy in the Imperial Enlightenment’

 4.00-4.30pm    Break

 4.30pm – 5.30pm        Session 2: Ten-minute talks + discussion

Sarah Sharp (Lecturer in Scottish Literature, University of Aberdeen) ‘Death, Memorialisation and Diasporic Identity’

Rose Luminiello (Research Fellow, University of Aberdeen/University of Notre Dame), ‘Co-Operation and Competition: The Irish and Scots Catholics in Empire and Diaspora’


 Saturday 28 September 2019

9.15am – 9.30am        Registration

9.30am – 11.00am      Session 3: Ten-minute talks + discussion

Colin Barr (Senior Lecturer in Irish History, University of Aberdeen) ‘“Greater Ireland” or Irish Diaspora: Thinking about the Irish Abroad’

Sophie Cooper (Research Fellow, Scottish Irish Migration Initiative, University of Edinburgh), ‘A Celtic Solidarity? Scottish and Irish Migrant Imaginings in the 19th and 20th Centuries’

Andrew Mackillop (Senior Lecturer in Scottish History, University of Glasgow), ‘Irish-Scottish Studies and the Debates on Early-Modern Globalization’

 11.00am – 11.30am    Coffee break

 11.30am – 12.30         Roundtable Discussion (Chair: Michael Brown, Co-Director, Research Institute for Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen

Hosted by
Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies
Humanity Manse Seminar Room

For further information please contact Professor Michael Brown (

This event is the second in a series of three workshops sponsored by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and convened by the Dr Maria Dick (PI: University of Glasgow) and Professor Michael Brown (Co-I: University of Aberdeen)