What is the REF?
The Research Excellence Framework is a crucially important system of expert review, used to assess the quality of research in UK universities.
in Scotland for Research Power
in the UK for Theology and Religious Studies
in Scotland and 8th in the UK for Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care
quartile for Research Power in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences
Taking place roughly every six years, the results provide information about the quality of a university's research, the allocation of research funding we receive annually from the Scottish Funding Council through the Research Excellence Grant , and for internal and external benchmarking. For 2020/21 the University received over £19.7m in REG funding. REF also plays a wider role in the academic sector by:
The University's REF 2021 return included 729 eligible staff across 22 Units of Assessment; together submitting 1,718 different outputs, 70 impact case studies and almost 200,000 words of research environment descriptions for 22 Units of Assessment and for the institution.
individual researchers submitted across 22 units of assessment - 100% of our eligible researcher population
outputs (+ 76 reserve items) submitted for assessment
impact case studies submitted
of researchers from minority ethnicities - many at early career stages
Almost 1 in 5 researchers named in impact case studies