Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 11, 12 - 31 October 2018
Acclaimed Scottish author speaks out on women's wellbeing
The University of Aberdeen will welcome Scottish crime writer Val McDermid to a special event to raise money in support of women's health.
Could your unborn child help scientists to improve the health of the future population?
Babies that aren't even born yet could help Aberdeen scientists to improve the health of future generations.
University secures three new Athena SWAN Awards
The University of Aberdeen is delighted to announce that another three of its departments have received the Athena SWAN Bronze Award.
New dating of Pictish sites reveals early origins of written communication in northern Britain
The Picts have long been regarded as a mysterious people, leaving behind little evidence of their presence other than their iconic carved stones.
Festival of Social Sciences returns to Aberdeen
The 2018 Festival of Social Sciences in Aberdeen will begin with a special event to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War.
Overweight or smoking mums cause 'worrying changes' to unborn children's thyroid
Smoking or being overweight during pregnancy causes 'worrying changes' to the development of the unborn baby's thyroids, and could predispose them to disease after birth, according to a new study from the University of Aberdeen.
First appointment to Aberdeen's £4.5million cancer research team
The University of Aberdeen has made its first major appointment as part of its £4.5million campaign to install a world class cancer research team.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
To mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the University has lit King's Chapel and New King's pink throughout October.
University team embark on major heart disease study in South Asia
Scientists at the University of Aberdeen are embarking on a major study to determine how exposure to toxic metals might contribute to high rates of heart disease in South Asia.
Long term effects of targeted drugs on people with psoriatic arthritis focus of new study
A large UK-wide study examining the impact of targeted drugs on the painful and debilitating condition of psoriatic arthritis, is officially launched today - World Arthritis Day.