Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 13, 09 - 31 October 2013
Groundbreaking bone mimicking technology scoops £80K Fellowship
A University of Aberdeen chemist has been awarded a £80K fellowship to support his development of a material that helps damaged bones to heal.
Arsenic water contamination implicated in resistance to Leishmaniasis drug in India
Arsenic contamination of water supplies may have played a significant role in the development of widespread resistance in the Indian subcontinent to an important drug used to treat leishmaniasis, the second-largest parasitic killer in the world.
Postgraduate prospects highlighted at Open Day
Hundreds of prospective postgraduate students are expected to descend on the University of Aberdeen next week (Saturday November 2) as the institution hosts its annual Postgraduate Open Day.
Breast cancers survivors sought for diet study
Breast cancer survivors are being sought for a study examining a diet which could support weight loss and recurrence of the disease.
100 year-old scientific dispute over the 'absoluteness of blindness' gains new evidence
University of Aberdeen scientists have shed new light on a 100 year-old argument into whether blindness following a brain injury is absolute.
Battle against American mink bolstered by new computer technology
It is a non-native species which preys on water voles, ground nesting birds and salmon and causes significant damage to local ecosystems, but now the battle to remove breeding American mink from northern Scotland is being assisted by cutting edge computer technology.
Scottish universities awarded £14.2m for arts & humanities doctoral training initiative
A new Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) to support postgraduate studentships and training in the arts and humanities in Scotland has secured funding of £14.2 million.
The Physics and Philosophy of Time Travel
As Dr Who celebrates its 50th Anniversary, Cafe Scientifique Aberdeen's next event will discuss how quantum mechanics and general relativity challenge our understanding of time and space, and explore the philosophical dimensions of time travel.
Charity announces funds for Scots researchers during National Arthritis Week
Medical research charity Arthritis Research UK has announced a major investment to the Universities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh, which could have a significant impact on the thousands of people who undergo knee replacement surgery.
New PhD students to tackle global biological issues
Environmental change, sustainable natural resource management and food security are just some of the themes new PhD students at the University of Aberdeen will be hoping to address.