Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 12, 06 - 26 February 2020
Treatment for blindness successful in largest ever study
A new treatment has been found to be successful in improving the vision of partially blind patients.
Aberdeen scientist named on Cannabis Scientist Power List
A leading Aberdeen cannabis and cannabinoid researcher has been named in the Cannabis Scientist Power List for 2020.
Researchers awarded half a million pounds to enhance understanding of renaissance cities
Historians working to unlock the secrets of Aberdeen's burgh records will share in over £500,000 of new funding to enable them to compare this Scottish 'national treasure' with a German counterpart.
Perth Pictish find offers glimpse into Scotland's warrior past
Archaeologists have carefully recreated images of a figure on a Pictish stone, discovered during the construction of a road in 2017, with the details uncovered offering new insights into Scotland's warrior past.
Marmots need not worry about being an 'older mum'
Having an older mother works out better for future generations of marmot daughters.
New research highlights long-term impact of flooding on communities
A report co-authored by researchers from the University of Aberdeen and the James Hutton Institute has highlighted the profound and long-lasting impacts of flooding on individuals, businesses and communities in Scotland.
Deputy First Minister officially opens hub to encourage innovation in children's learning
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills John Swinney MSP has officially opened a new Learning Hub at the University of Aberdeen which has been established in partnership with the Northern Alliance regional improvement collaborative.
University marks 525th birthday with ambitious vision for the future
The University of Aberdeen will mark its 525th year today (February 10) with a special celebration which will also reveal the institution's future ambitions over the next two decades.
Prize for paper on Scottish geriatrics services
An Aberdeen researcher has won a prize for a research paper looking at the provision of specialised care for older people across Scotland.
New treatment for advanced prostate cancer receives funding boost
A new treatment for advanced prostate cancer being developed by a scientist at the University of Aberdeen has received a major new funding award.