Exploring the 'golden rules' of diet and weight-loss

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Exploring the 'golden rules' of diet and weight-loss

The evidence behind common beliefs and advice associated with healthy eating will be explored at a free University event.

Three experts from the University’s Rowett Institute of Health and Nutrition will discuss their work and explore the science behind healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle when the University Café Scientifique series begins next Wednesday (January 22) at the city's Waterstones store on Union Bridge.

Nutritionist Dr Alexandra Johnstone will kick off the  Diet and Health : The science behind the headlines talk  by discussing her research on dieting and appetite control, in particular,  the role of breakfast in a healthy diet.

Dr Johnstone said: “The true importance of breakfast is often questioned - I will discuss whether breakfast is really the most important meal of the day – whether it acts to break the overnight fast and keep those hunger pangs away, or just simply adds unwanted calories.”

Professor Harry McArdle and Dr Vanessa Rungapamestry will  discuss why variation is crucial to our diets.

Dr Rungapamestry, whose research investigates the health benefits of plant-based foods, added: “Fruit and vegetables are an important part of our daily diet. Research shows links between low consumption of these foods and high risk for cardiovascular diseases, cancer and Type 2 diabetes. The national recommendation is to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables daily but this remains low, particularly for vegetables.

”Raising public awareness of the health benefits of these foods, their portion size, and ways to incorporate 5 a day as part of a healthy balanced diet should therefore be encouraged.”

For more information on this and other talks in the Café series check out www.engagingaberdeen.co.uk. Cafe Scientifique is supported by a science engagement grant from the Scottish Government.

The event is free to attend and starts at 7pm.