Page 1 of 142Results 1 to 10 of 1414, 22 January - 05 February 2025
Seasonal decline in Scottish vitamin D levels has persisted over hundreds of years
People living in Scotland 400 hundred years apart have been shown to suffer similar seasonal declines over winter in their vitamin D levels despite the enormous changes in lifestyle and diet over the intervening period.
Discover more about the University of Aberdeen
As part of a week of celebrations at the University of Aberdeen, members of public are invited to enjoy a family friendly 'Discovery Day' at Elphinstone Hall.
Weight-loss without the sickness? Scientists seek to bypass popular obesity drug's side effects
How to harness the potential of weight-loss drugs without some of the unwelcome side-effects is the subject of a £1.2 million research project getting underway at the Rowett Institute and University College London.
Veganuary momentum fades as participants struggle to maintain meat-free options beyond January
Academics at the University of Aberdeen have compared attitudes and knowledge around sustainable eating - and willingness to reduce the amount of meat consumed - over a 10-year period. They found that although initiatives like ‘Veganuary’ were helpful in introducing people to alternative diets, this was not sustained in most of...
From a war zone to new diabetes diagnostics and treatments
A University of Aberdeen diabetes expert will share the incredible journey which took her from a teenager fleeing war-torn Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1994 to becoming the first female Regius Chair of Physiology - a position appointed directly by the King - three decades later.
Emotions and the law under the spotlight in new research project
Understanding where emotions have received legal attention and the reasons behind it is the focus of a new research project involving the School of Law.
Aberdeen researchers drive £5.7million cross-UK 'whole system' approach to Just Transition
An Aberdeen-led research programme that puts people and communities at the centre of the move to Net Zero is one of two national projects benefitting from a share of nearly £10m investment by UKRI.
Scotland leads climate dialogue with launch of the SAGES climate science podcast
University of Aberdeen researchers will feature in an innovative series showcasing the work of Scotland's leading scientists.
New funding to explore how the UK adapts to climate-induced food price shocks
The University of Aberdeen will share in a £15m investment in research to help the UK prepare for climate change.
Government to support workers to benefit from thousands of clean power jobs
In response to the news the Government is delivering on its longstanding campaign to help oil and gas workers with a 'skills passport' to seize clean energy opportunities, Professor John Underhill, Director of the University's Interdisciplinary Centre for Energy Transition, said: "How we provide energy that is secure, reliable, affordable, sustainable...