Postgraduate Research Opportunities

Energy Transition

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Prepare yourself for a career in Energy Transition by studying at the University of Aberdeen

Postgraduate Research Opportunities

The University of Aberdeen has developed a wide range of successful energy-related research opportunities which attract students from all around the world. Our students have a variety of different backgrounds and this provides a stimulating learning environment.

We offer opportunities to undertake supervised research in all departments of the University, at Doctoral (PhD) level. Candidates for the degree of PhD must normally hold either a Masters degree, a First or Upper Second Class Honours degree, or an equivalent qualification.

Study can be either full or part-time. For a PhD the normal study period is three years full-time or five years part-time.

Study can be wholly within the University or in association with other research centres in the UK or overseas. If you are an international student, you may be able to undertake most of your study in your own country with a minimum six months spent in Aberdeen.

Each student is assigned at least one supervisor who is a member of the University's academic staff and you may be supervised by staff from more than one department. You will then arrange your course of study with your supervisor(s) to suit your particular interests and needs. During your first year you will need to undertake some formal research training programmes and throughout your studies you will be encouraged to attend specialist seminars and conferences and keep staff and fellow students informed of your progress at seminars within the department. To assist PhD research students with their work we also offer free generic skills courses. These courses aim to provide research students with the skills that are not only relevant to the completion of your PhD, but also to prepare you for the workplace.