Seminars, Lectures and Workshops

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Energy Transition

Seminars, lectures and workshops

Our seminars highlight the important work in energy transition research undertaken by staff across the University

Seminars, Lectures and Workshops
RV Jones Lecture 2022
Net zero: Critical but not enough

As part of the RV Jones Distinguished Lecture Series hosted by the School of Engineering, this lecture from Baroness Brown of Cambridge DBE FREng FRS, Julia King, looks at the urgent need for us to adapt, as well as reduce emissions in order to combat climate change.

IWD 2022
Amplifying womens voices for climate change
Amplifying women's voices for climate change

Are women's voices heard in the climate change debate? Are we sleepwalking into an era where the climate change agenda is led by male voices and leaders? Our panel offer ideas on how women's voices from research to business to local communities can be amplified in the climate emergency arena.

Book Launch
National climate change acts
National climate change acts

The University was delighted to host this special online event to launch a ground-breaking work on climate change legislation. This book collects contributions from many of the world's leading climate and energy law scholars and provides the first major study of national Climate Change Acts.

Panel Discussion
New technologies for achieving low carbon economies

To celebrate the official launch of the Centre for Energy Transition, the University of Aberdeen was delighted to host this online panel discussion on the opportunities that energy transition present for Aberdeen and the North East of Scotland.

COP26: Sustainable Futures
Nature-based nutritions
Protecting ecosystems & natural habitats & keeping carbon out of the atmosphere

Professor David Burslem chairs an online panel discussion with notable academics and experts on the topic of nature-based solutions to climate change.

COP26: Sustainable Futures
Adaption and resilience
Helping people, economies & the environment adapt & prepare for climate change

Prof Tavis Potts, Interim Director of the Centre for Energy Transition at the University of Aberdeen, chairs a panel discussion on the topic of adaption and resilience.

COP26: Sustainable Futures
zero-carbon road transport
Accelerating the move to zero-carbon road transport

Dr Alf Martinez-Felipe hosted a discussion on various aspects of the challenges of achieving zero-carbon road transport within the next 10-20 years. He was joined by a range of guests from around the globe, from industry executives to lead researchers.

COP26: Sustainable Futures
Seizing the massive opportunities of cheaper renewables and storage

Cost was one of the key priority areas for COP26. Our panel discussion brought experts together to discuss how we can stimulate solutions and reduce costs to achieve net-zero.

Launch Event
The Centre for Energy Transition launch

The official launch of the Centre for Energy Transition was introduced by University Principal Professor George Boyne and featured Anne Marie Trevelyan, UK Minister of State for Business, Energy and Clean Growth, speakers from industry, and community group Aberdeen Climate Action.

Global Energy Institute
GEI joint seminar series on energy transition

This first joint seminar of the Global Energy Institute, part of the Aberdeen-Curtin Alliance, includes a talk by Associate Professor Marc Gronwald on crude oil prices and the energy transition followed by a talk on Hydrogen Market Prospects by Dr. Roberto F. Aguilera.

Panel Discussion
Offshore energy system integration: challenges and opportunities in the North sea
Offshore energy system integration: Challenges & opportunities in the North Sea

Energy transition presents both challenges and opportunities for offshore energy. On the one hand, the oil and gas sector faces the challenges of decarbonising existing operations in the short term; on the other hand, the offshore renewables (especially wind) sector is expanding at a rapid rate.

Global Energy Institute
Comparative perspectives of just transitions

This Global Energy Institute seminar featured a talk by Dr Tavis Potts on The Just Transition in Scotland followed by a talk by Professor Greg Morrison, Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute, on The Renewable Energy Transition: Buildings and Precincts.

CET Seminar
Scaling up hydrogen and fuel cells in scotland
Scaling up hydrogen and fuel cells in Scotland: Learning by doing

Nigel Holmes, Chief Executive of the Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (SHFCA), gives a detailed overview of the deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell solutions in low carbon energy systems in Scotland, including the expanding hydrogen bus fleet in Aberdeen..

CET Seminar
Over-selling hydrogen?
Over-selling hydrogen?

Tom Baxter of the School of Engineering questions the widely held view that hydrogen should play a significant role in the transition to a clean, low-carbon, energy system in the UK.

CET Seminar
arctic petroleum and the 2 degree goal
Arctic petroleum & the 2°C goal: Accountability for fossil fuel supply

Dr Daria Shapovalova (School of Law) presents on the possibility of establishing accountability for fossil fuel production through environmental impact assessments and the Paris Agreement reporting system.

CET Seminar
Energy-efficient CCS
Energy efficient carbon capture and storage

The UK's Committee for Climate Change and others have concluded that Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is essential if net-zero is to be met by 2050. Tom Baxter from the School of Engineering discusses energy-saving opportunities and their impact.

Oil and Gas In Transition workshop

Hosted by the Centre for Energy Transition and supported by the Centre for Energy Law and the Just Transitions Lab, this event brought together stakeholders from academia, industry, policy, and third sector for an open dialogue on delivering a just transition to net-zero in the North East.