Available Prizes for Dentistry

Available Prizes for Dentistry

Aberdeen Summer Research Studentship (ASRS) BDS Prize

Awarded to all students who are awarded ASRS placements following a competitive application process.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
Student Record Code

BES Tom Pitt-Ford Undergraduate Prize in Endodontology

Awarded to the student nominated as the best in the field of Endodontics within Aberdeen Dental School. Nominations received from clinical staff supervising the cohort on a regular basis.

Value of Prize
Winner is invited to attend the BES Spring Conference
Budget Code
Student Record Code

MDU Award for Best Overall Performance in the Final Year

Awarded to the student with the highest overall performance in Year 4. The award will be determined by the Exam Board based on academic performance throughout the final academic year.

Value of Prize
£100 Voucher
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Professor Rona Patey Medal

Awarded to the student with the highest academic achievement across the Dental Programme. The award will be determined by the Exam Board based on academic results evidence from all four years of the programme.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Skillbound Prize for Best Overall Laboratory Proficiency

Award will be determined by the Exam Board based on evidence submitted by the Student Laboratory Tutor who supervise this student group regularly.

Value of Prize
Renfert Instrument Kit
Budget Code
Student Record Code