Course Code
EG 3093
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr N Kaliyaperumal



  1. Background history; A simple C program and explanation; Sequential execution of statements; Compiling (on UNIX and pc); Comments; Simple variables; Displaying variable values; input of variable values; formatting output;

  2. Expressions and assignments; conditional statements; true and false in C; Boolean operators; arithmetic operators.

  3. Loops using for and while; loop initialisation; loop termination; simple arrays, Pointers and addresses, local and heap storage.

  4. Functions, formal and actual arguments; scope rules; passing data by value; using pointers as arguments; recursive functions; Example: Factorial of a number.

  5. Libraries, writing maintainable code, code style, example code.

  6. Data structures, use of struct, structs that contain pointers, linked lists, stacks, FIFOs and trees.

  7. Techniques for large programs, organisation of #include files, development tools, use of version control, software test.

  8. Additional features in C++, introduction to classes, public and private members and methods. Constructors and destructors. Instantiation of classes. Static class members.

  9. Inheritance, protected members, function overloading and virtual functions. Example: use of GUI library.


27 one-hour lectures, 10 one-hour tutorials, and 3 three-hour computer programming lab sessions in total.


1st Attempt: 1 three-hour computer based programming examination (80%); continuous assessment (20%).

Resit: 1 three-hour computer based programming examination (100%).

Formative Assessment

The 3 three-hour Lab exercise requires the students to submit their log books for marking at the end of each lab, in order for formative assessment and feedback to be provided.


a) Students can receive feedback on their progress with the Course on request at the weekly tutorial/feedback sessions and at the design lab sessions.

b) Generic exam feedback will be emailed to the whole class at their University email address.

c) Students requesting individual feedback on their exam performance should make an appointment within 3 weeks of the publication of the exam results.

d) Logbooks will be returned with marks and comments after each lab.