- Course Code
- EG 2503
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr Majid Aleyaasin
A-level or Advanced Higher physics are alternative pre-requisites
The course content shall be the following:
1. Introduction to an electrical ? mechanical system, Introduction to phasors and AC circuit theory, Multi-element circuits,
Resonance of three element AC circuits, Power factor correction of AC circuits
2. Basic Electromagnetism, Electrical machines: transformers, basic electromechanics, shunt and separately excited DC
generators, series and shunt DC motors, stepper motors
3. Free vibration: Spring-mass-damper system from free body diagram to mathematical representation. Analogue of LCR
circuit. Damping coefficient, logarithmic decrement. Forced vibration: Spring-mass-damper system from free body diagram
to mathematical representation. Analogue of LCR circuit. Frequency response. Dynamic magnifier.
The course will consist of 30 one hour lectures , 10 one hour tutorials, and 5 two-hour laboratory/design sessions.
(Timetable to be arranged)
1st Attempt: One written examination of three hours duration (80%), continuous assessment based on the tutorials (10%), continuous assessment based on the laboratory /design exercises (10%). A minimum of CAS 6 will be required in each of these components.
Resit: One written examination of three hours duration (100%).
Formative Assessment
Lectures will include PRS multiple choice questions on the material being delivered. Feedback will be given over the course of the lab exercises as to the presentation and content of the submissions.
Marked tutorial submissions by allocated study groups will be returned to the students within one week. Students will assess each other's contribution within these groups. The lab exercise submissions will be discussed in small groups. Marked submissions will be returned to the students promptly. The PRS system provides instant feedback on classroom understanding of content.