- Course Code
- ED 1549
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Mrs A Thirkell
First Half-session course: An Introduction to Gaelic Medium Education
Compulsory for students undertaking Gaelic Medium Education
Students will have the opportunity to contribute to course content and structure through student-selected presentation on course topics.
Throughout the course, students are encouraged to value diversity through engagement with others.
3 one-hour face to face tutorial per week, followed by tutor directed activities.
1st Attempt: Essay in Gaelic on the benefits of bilingualism (1,500 words) (50%).
Written presentation of a series of lesson plans reflecting the impact of Curriculum for Excellence on the Gaelic medium classsroom eg literacy across learning; interdisciplinary links; inclusive practice (50%).
Resit: Any of failed aspects above, either essay or lesson plans.
Formative Assessment
Ongoing formative tutor assessment of class contributions and tutor directed activities
Peer assessment of class presentations.
Feedback will be provided orally in class and on an individual basis by both tutor and peers. Written feedback will be provided for both summative assessments, in sufficient time to be able to be used by students to improve their work (typically within four weeks of hand-in, in line with the University’s guidelines on Assessment http://www.abdn.ac.uk/registry/quality/section7.shtml).
Appropriate and relevant to helping students understand where they have both gained and lost marks, and how to improve their mark (if appropriate).
Face to face meetings between tutors and students who have failed.