Course Code
EC 2003
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr J Skatun


EC 1005.


This course builds on and is a natural extension of EC 1005. It will further develop the student's analytical skills, and hopes to investigate in a more rigorous way concepts introduced in EC 1005. The course is designed appeal to all students interested in economics. This includes both students who may wish not to enter into any further studies of economics, but rather pursue studies other than economics after the completion of this course, as well as students who may explicitly wish to continue their study economics at the honours level, and thus in part use Microeconomics II as a means to this end.

The course examines a number of key areas in microeconomics including demand theory, production and cost, factor markets, market structure and strategic interaction, externalities, public goods and evaluation of projects and the application of microeconomic principals to important spheres of economic policy such as the regulation of merger activity and the operation of investor owned utility monopolies.


3 one-hour lectures per week (Mon, Tue and Thursday at 15:00) and 1 one-hour tutorial every week (to be arranged).


1st Attempt: 1 two-hour examination (70%); continuous assessment (30%) consisting of three class tests.

Resit: 1 two-hour written examination (100%).

Formative Assessment

This will take place via tutorial discussions.


Feedback is given after the class tests. On a less formal basis, via verbal feedback during tutorial discussions, and after tutorial presentations.